This weeks service meeting! More craziness.....

by stuckinarut2 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Londo111

    And some of those who spent a lot of time and energy in such research in Writing, eventually ended up leaving. The Aid Book was an eye opening project for some.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • steve2

    Watchtower-Free - inspiring, indeed, awe-inspiring!!

  • JWdaughter

    All of the explanations will soon be on videos that they show in the halls because this stuff is too hard for non-professionals to repeat with a straight face. Seriously-their simple bible beliefs cannot be explained by the R&F JW adequately-because it is totally illogical and irrational and stupid. Anyone charged with coming up with an explanation for it would lose all faith in the teaching unless they were medicated or something.


    1914, a definite date!! Definitely full of shit!!



    Medicated or making a shit-load of money!!


  • Listener

    The crazy thing is that 1914 no longer has any relevance. With the old teaching of 'this generation' it defined a point in time in which the big A would occur. Now with the overlapping generations they have been very obscure with any real time period.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    2014 "overlaps" with 1914 so we're still good....


    This video is just a stop-gap measure to make dubs FEEL that SOMETHING will happen, and that they have NOT wasted their lives. If the WTBTS gurus deem this video as necessary, then they feel that it's an issue within "the big congregation".

    Think about this, the WTBTS is like a multi-tendrilled organism. The CORE knows what it needs because of the information it is given from the tips. What do you think all the COs have been encountering for years?? The increase of JWN, and JWStruggle members in the last couple of years should tell you. They are circling the wagons.

    A comment from a family member about JW.Org merchandising says a lot. They said," It's strange to see all these things ( merchandising/EBay) that we would have thought were way out there 10 years ago. Still, it's reaching people in a way that makes them see the Kingdom as REAL and RELEVANT!!"

    Interesting, right?! This video is an attempt to make the Kingdom REAL and RELEVANT, but not for the WORLD,( they don't give a crap ) but for DUBS!!! It will be "THE TRUTH", until it's NOT! Then the nu-light will be RELEVANT because the END is just around the corner!!! YAY!!! 😁


  • Justnowout

    Actually the video is really dumbed down and presents a house holder/witness scene. He uses the november wt chart but it sooooo basic and condecending

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