Top Scientist descent from Creationism

by Coded Logic 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm

    Lol, perfect response to perrys thread!

  • Vidiot

    When I first glimpsed the title of this thread, I though it said "Top Scientist descended from Creationism".

  • jhine

    I was wondering what an a piece of jewellery for the neck had to do with the topic ?

    Science and religion do not have to be enemies just because people like Dawkins say so .(my favourite drum to bang , check things for yourself ) . Christian scientists do not leave their brains at the exit of the lab or research faciltiy . All I am saying is that there are two intelligent , well thought out sides to this , not just one .


  • Caedes

    What do you think this place is Oub, Pendants Corner ?

    Or is that a mutepoint ?

    I see what you did there. LOL (moot)

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Now I understand that both sides can keep wheeling out scientists from whichever camp to support their views and it doesn't really get anyone anywhere .

    - Jhine

    That's why I included links to Peer Reviewed Scientific Papers in my OP. The theory of evolution has passed academic muster time and time again. That's why there are litteraly hundreds of thousands of scientfic papers written on it. Creationism can boast no such claims.

  • Caedes

    Science and religion do not have to be enemies just because people like Dawkins say so .(my favourite drum to bang , check things for yourself ) . Christian scientists do not leave their brains at the exit of the lab or research faciltiy . All I am saying is that there are two intelligent , well thought out sides to this , not just one

    Science and religion are not enemies because Richard Dawkins says so. The reason that science and religion are in conflict is because religion chooses to put itself at odds with established scientific fact. Religion chooses to push it's agenda into schools (by pushing to teach creationism) for example.

    There is no such thing as a christian scientist, there may be scientists who are christians. Christianity has nothing to add to science, there are no christian ideas being published in scientific journals. There is not an intelligent well thought out christian side to this debate at all, there isn't a single credible scientific journal publishing anything on the religious side at all. By all means tells us where this intelligent well thought out religious side to the debate is and I will happily show you why their argument is wrong (with examples!)

    This is a debate that the religious side lost many years ago, unfortunately not everyone has got the news yet.

  • jhine

    Caedes, suggested reading , the book mentioned earlier " God's Undertaker " John C Lennox and "The Language Of God " by Francis Collins , former head of The Human Genome Project . Jan

  • Caedes


    I will read the books you suggest after you have read the books Cofty suggests in the whale evolution thread. After all I have had an entire childhood learning creationism and then educated myself on science and evolution. I need no further evidence that creationists are long on talk and completely empty handed when it come to evidence. You however, are wilfully ignorant of the mountains of evidence for evolution. Once you can explain to me in your own words what scientists use as the evidence for evolution then you are in a position to argue why you think it's wrong.

    I noticed of course that you fail to take me up on the challenge to give me some examples of the religious side to this debate.

    (edited to correct a spelling mistake)

  • cofty

    Francis Collins , former head of The Human Genome Project

    Jan do you realise that Francis Collins believes in unguided evolution 100%? That includes human common descent from a non-human ancestor. He is one of the biggest public critics of creationism and intelligent.

    I haven't heard of Lennox' book but if you care to share your review of specifically why you enjoyed it, and what his main lines of evidence were, that would be interesting. You have read it haven't you?

  • cantleave

    Francis Collins....

    "But I have no difficulty putting that together with what I believe as a Christian because I believe that God had a plan to create creatures with whom he could have fellowship, in whom he could inspire [the] moral law, in whom he could infuse the soul, and who he would give free will as a gift for us to make decisions about our own behavior, a gift which we oftentimes utilize to do the wrong thing.

    I believe God used the mechanism of evolution to achieve that goal. And while that may seem to us who are limited by this axis of time as a very long, drawn-out process, it wasn't long and drawn-out to God. And it wasn't random to God."


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