Awake! to be part of Watchtower Public Edition!

by Atlantis 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jookbeard

    always has been and will continue to be albiet in its final condensed form the biggest most useless waste of ink and paper ever produced by anyone one ever.

  • factfinder

    Awake! is still a seperate magazine. It is shipped with the public Watchtower together instead of bundling two 16 page Awakes! togerther as was before. Makes sense- it is kept as a set.

  • Oubliette

    Remember? It was an incredible science and exploratory journal

    Haha, hahaha!

  • TheOldHippie

    The only thing the letter says, is that Awake will be delivered as a separate magazine inside of the WT magazine, the same way as large parts of the rest of the world has got it/them for some time. It seems they have been delivered separately till the Spanish congregations for printing reasons till now.

    So sorry guys, this was not a notification of the magazine vanishing.

  • menrov

    Strange, the letter is dated 30 Setember 2014 but in the letter is says "starting with edition February 2014 (in Spanish: a partir de los numeros de febrero 2014).

  • Balaamsass2

    Perhaps some trees will be saved.

  • Da.Furious

    In the UK, Awake is shipped inside the WT Public. We even had local needs reminding brothers that what looks like 1 magazine is actually 2. In other word, Awake an insert to the WT public.

    This is achievable when the branch who prints uses the new printing machines.

    Smaller branches do not have this facility and in developing countries, they still have each one distributed separately but in the reduced pages format, not to mention not all articles are published in non english/latin languages.

    I dont think this is something new or exciting. Developing countries catching with cost savings!

    Da Furious

  • Heaven

    Consolidation... part of 'right sizing' the organization.

  • OneEyedJoe

    yeah, we've been getting them that way in the US for a while. At first they tried doing 2 WTs together and 2 awakes together in the packaging, but I guess too many people were forgetting to seperate them and giving away 2 at each door. Now the awake is inside the WT. This isn't the big consolodation that everyone is expecting, but it certainly doesn't mean it's not coming.

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn


    More progress!

    Now, please, pretty please, make the Reg Conv 2 days only...... PLEEEEEEEEASE!!!


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