Awake! to be part of Watchtower Public Edition!

by Atlantis 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • factfinder

    The printing per issue for Awake! has jumped up to 51,788,000 in 101 langs. Along with the printing of the Watchtower over 121 million mags are being printed monthly, thus over 1.4 billion copies were printed last year.

    Looks like the printing of the w and g will be continuing to increase as the years go on.

  • Vidiot

    breakfastofchampions - "I am still predicting they will be combined, but under the new name ' magazine'."

    Ditto (but with seperate "public" and "study" editions ).

    In fact, I'm half-tempted to start a Paypal betting pool...

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    I am sure there is talk of ditching "watchtower" alltogether as part of the rebranding effort, and just having in the top corner of the magazine.

    Consolidation only makes sense from a business standpoint.

  • steve2

    The printing per issue may have jumped in the millions, but God Almighty, the page and content per issue has plummeted to laughable levels.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Finally, I was wondering when they would do this.

  • naazira

    I was given a magazine by a witless the other day and the Awake is put inside of the watchtower by the society. It's a matter of shipping and formatting.

  • Justnowout

    Lol i swear the only thing funnier than dubbies apathy toward org changes is exjw gulability and willingness to believe blindly anything they see posted on an exjw website

  • factfinder

    The only reason the g is inserted into the w for shipping is because they are 16 page, not 32 page magazines. It is easier to do it this way.

    Yes, the content is nothing compared to what once was, but with the huge volume of individual issues reaching so many people ,some are bound to become witnesses.

    That is all the gb cares about, cut costs with thinner magazines but reach more people ,thus increasing the chance to ensnare more people in the cult.

  • Nosferatu

    All that stands between separate WT and Awake "magazines" right now is a strip of glue down the middle.

    I am still predicting they will be combined, but under the new name " magazine"

    I'm guessing it will be something like "JW.ORG monthly" or something like that. Gotta make it look more mainstream. The name "Watchtower" has been tarnished over the last century.

  • ballistic

    The Watchtower and Awake were symbolised by something in Revelation according to the "Revelation...Climax" book, or has that been replaced by yet another Revelation book now with a different interpretation?

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