I'm sorry about the end-of-time conspiracy theorists amongst us who can't avoid the keyboard
Oceans is right about one thing (if you can find something rational in that end of time rant)
Thats your first real lesson in globalization not a "rant".
LOL, Don't lump me into "conspiracy theory" because you live in a 1960's level of academic and national sovereign awareness.
I do not know where the "end of time" fit into my analysis. FYI, world government is needed and it is not "the end of time", it is an attempt at managing nations that need to be managed properly. True, national sovereignty will end with their overall national credit card, but that is not "the end of the world". No where did I predict an "end". If you cannot tell over population must eventually be addressed, you are probably also missing other basics of why world government is necessary and guaranteed to eventually develop in the longer run. World government must address the global national intensive care unit that the nations have become from top, to bottom.
Recall this is a new millennium, and with it will come a new global paradigm.
China needs no "equal footing" they are hands down the coming dominant system. Your post is what is called a national myth, a distraction. What they need, to aid the Anglo-American power system globalization is a normalizing, and deceleration that the US and EU will also have to endure in their national sovereign control realm, but in far different ways. It is the EU and US that are bottomed out, check the global debt map. The US and EU are the RED ZONES, and that is what will drive what is coming. None of them, as single nations, will "rule the world", it will be a collective of all the nations, and in the process they all must be normalized into a sovereign level subservient to the global wealth and capital flow control system. What is coming is not "the end", but national sovereign equalization. The top US, EU, Russian and Chinese super-corporations (and others) are already working for the health of the whole, at the super-super-rich level of power. The problem is not there, but down below in the national dated world of 1800, merely extended to today as if nothing has changed. But in reality EVERYTHING has indeed changed, and not for the preservation of national rogue sovereign systems, they too need a change, and it is coming.
And yes it is a designed system, and it does have a dominant center of control that is of trans-national corporate structure, it is no longer nation-state dominated, that is a concept of the past. the trans-national progressive matrix of the " super-corporation" is what rules global finance and commerce and everything will be aligned in the nation-state to accommodate that wealth controlling power system transformation to full globalization of wealth and finance. (University of Zurich is not a "school of conspiracy theory", this is reality:
I did not say it will be an easy transition, but I certainly am not saying it is "the end" you allude to, I am saying it is a necessary transformation, it is a century long trended development from the past, and post Cold War globalization development is the microcosm of where it is heading. ALL GLOBAL POWER follows the wealth power, and that is why the wealth power is the main power and the first system to be mastered. The wealth power transcends and crosses former national boundaries at corporate and global legalistic levels, it is pointal in representation, not polygonal. The "polygon" its corporate super-dots and cross connections form is the WHOLE globe. A depopulation schedule is also not "the end of the world", it is an opportunity of a rebirth of many now stressed systems, unfortunately trial and error human management over time is the root of that core problem imo.
I bet my life all that uni-polarity will develop according to that basic premise and concept, unless one can reverse back to WW1 and keep it all multi-polar forever, and one cannot do that, and consolidating polarity is the name of the uni-polar game, it was what world war actually empowers cyclically. Since WW1 it has been moving to uni-polar power to guide nations, and that trend cannot be reversed now. Wealth, and a reliable truly globalized super- credit / currency system to come is what drives the whole in experimental form even now, it just has to go truly globalized. Fiat currencies have a shelf life.
Currency and debt are not "money" nor wealth, they facilitate the development of the latter for a small nucleus of actual world power players. Debt of others partly fuels their wealth consolidation at global scale. World government is coming, not "the end" as bumpy as that transition WILL be. A school like Thunderbird School of Global Management is an example of the kind of institutional tier where clearer global realities regarding globalization are being taught, of course there are schools probably beyond them in insight of globalization reality and what truly drives it. But Thunderbird, from what I know, entertains no fantasies of national sovereign restoration and magical global reform, which the former is the root cause of the problem in the first place, imo. In that way they are realistic and unique about globalization equating to world government. Its very logical actually.
Public education is basically a paradigm behind the real times, and so are many of its professors. Many national politicians are from that school, but some are leaning to the sovereign individual and globalization reality. Schools vary in insight and expertise. And this is why some universities are still teaching a now dated paradigm, no one told them what globalization is truly all about: world government. Now you probably know more than your teacher in one sentence, lol.
If anything I am an advocate of why the world does not end in its final world government cycle. The uninformed are the ones who feed the doomsayer knee jerk reactions based on limited insight, not globalization realities. That is not me, I am a globalization realist, just stating fundamental facts and concepts. If you consider the end of national autonomous sovereignty, which is now mortgaged, as impossible or "the end", then that is how you will perceive what is coming on the national sovereigns for a while. But it is actually a final transition to uni-polarity and it will require a fourth global war and stressing driving cycle in many dimensions, including financial war to complete the process of world government. I am including the Cold War in that four count.
The national systems are parts of the whole, not the whole that must form upon their unification and it must be financial first, then military, then proxy-national governmental sub-tiers, the puppets national governments became around WW1, finalized. Many forecasters with no religious agenda whatsoever know the national sovereigns are in a precarious dilemma and it is driven by astronomical debt and for now unfunded massive liabilities even bigger than the debts. China and Russia will eventually align with the irresistible polarity, imo, they will aid the secondary system by more reliable capital control, without the same debt burden as the EU and US. In that way the EU and US can be normalized in controlled fashion, and still remain functional. It is not the US and EU debt system that actually guide that process, it is the globalized master credit system, and it runs on its own resources, it is not dependnt on the US or EU in reality. This is why it can recover them into a globalized sovereignty when the time arrives.
Like a person in massive debt exceeding income, the system can carry on a while, but in time comes the foreclosure and recovery. National systems, led by limited national politicians empowering the main problem, and the like, are no different. They aided what is coming in their own strange way. Just a matter of compounding time and debt at global multi-national magnitude. Its not the end, it is a common cycle of the last 100 years, the fourth and it is a compounding global power and wealth consolidation process in all four cycles.
I mean if any of that seems "crazy", then blame your teachers not me. That is what is going on at a very simplistic level of conceptualization. There is even now no such thing as an independent nation. The lines on the map aply to 1800, not today, it is one whole. Think globalization to the maximum, because it cannot be simply reversed, and you will see the need for world government, it is already there, save the presentation and global "problem" for which it actually will be the only "solution". There is not one thing in a nation that will not be globalized, especially their government, the last major entity to globalize in the process.