My wife showed me her tablet thing and all the wonders of there on. As she flicked through it there was the section on gods name and how early hebrew manuscripts used the tetra grammaton. I have just previously read in "In Search of Chrstian Freedom" of the use by wt of these records. Franz states that the hebrew accounts post date by many decades the greek writings and are translations of these. Now written into hebrew how are they going to write the name of god uther than as the tetragramaton/ If the greek had been trans to french say then any reference to a "Mister" would be "Missieur". so the use of the hebrew to 'prove' anything is completely mischevious.
Later as she was further unwinding from the big convention commented that as Australia is about to commemorate the origins of the greatwar by 100 years everyone if overlooking that Christ was enthroned in 1914. Eyes glazed-frightening! I was nearly sick.If that is the case then what has happened from the wts perspective.
- Scores of paedophile cases now in the open. The wts has a child protection policy thatthey wont reveal.
- They defend those charged with sex abuse of children and therefore are a paedophiles support group
- KHs' being sold up all over the world and the funds go back to bethel.
- Palatial head quarters being built by free labour
- Millions earned from the sale of NY buildings and I understand more to come
- All the early and eroneous writings of Russel and the bully boy Rutherford are no longer available. (yet were divinley inspired we are told)
- numerous chopping and changing of doctrines. There is a site called "WT flip flops" dedicated to this very subject.
- Preaching out against any education above the minimum
- GB living in monastic isolation but spending most of its meetings handing out decrees on how people conduct their personal lives and their bedrooms with an appaling toll on marriages and families.
- The cornerstone teaching, the blood one is being steadily watered down; now fractions are permitted while jw are not permitted to donate blood.
- Young men imprisoned in conscience objection over years being instructed by the org. not to accept alternative service in hospitals etc but the gb then has a mind change and its "conscience issue".
All these things are the products of the gb in wilfull isolation, with a dreadful absence of education,having no contact with jobs, the workplace, the daily cycle of traffic, car costs, paying a mortgage, health costs or RAISING A FAMILY. They have set themselves as emporers over the "rank and file" (yes thats a gb quote) jw with none of the daily realities that these same people have to face while dominating there every facet with a cruel, legalistic sytem as every bit as controlling as the Pharisees had over the common people of Jesus time. Did i mention Jesus.. thats good because you will barely hear his name or his story in any kh as the gb have moved in to take his position. In the two questions asked of baptisamal candidiates the second has usurped the father the son and the holy spirit with obedience to the org. This is breath taking arrogance and to my simple mind blasphemy.