According the Biblical accounts, we've been living in the last days ever since this fine writing has been in existence.
This is why many years ago, around the 'Generation' new light (mid-90s?), we had a large family/extended-family meeting in one of our homes in New England (funny, looking back it seemed so similar to a large thanksgiving gathering seeing in movies) where we feasted in tasty caribbean food; there, while enjoying this fine meal, one of our elders (in age and JW title as well) called to order and silence and stated that in light of this new development we as JWs and family as well should pay full attention to what the book of Revelation 4:11 said. From that point forward, although it should've been like this all along, we shall continue to serve our God for his wonderful creations, and not with 'anxious expectation of the end'.
His emphatic and self-assured words gave me goose bumps, but put into practice have brought a much better atmosphere to us all as a family and in our everyday lives. So, we went on forward to study secularly, travel, embarq in business ventures, etc., all as applicable, and continued on our JWism; all from a fresh perspective.
The 'end', whether by man's doing, by divine intervention or some natural cosmic event who really knows, will happen or just by merely dying as so many millions have experienced already. Our present reality is "Life ends"; so, while alive, enjoy it and keep moving forward in the goal you set for yourself and brings you happiness.
If the "end" as we JWs expect it happens, then, wonderful! It's about damn freaking time! But, since it hasn't and it seems that God himself is in no rush, is astoundingly foolish to live life just waiting for that event.