Circuit assembly symposium: help those who have become inactive

by rosyray 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot

    I think we're on the local congo's radar a little more, lately.

  • flipper

    ROSYRAY- Good thread, thanks for posting it. I'll have to keep a watch out for any of my JW family still in who try to " help " me or try to get me to go back to meetings. I haven't attended in 11 years so no way in hell I'd go back. Who knows perhaps I'd open up more to them about my doubts and start asking THEM some questions to get THEM thinking. We'll see what happens. Thanks for the heads up though

  • Magnum

    cultBgone: From the comments I've heard, most look down on me with pity

    Same with me. I've seen a couple and they've approached me as if I'm some poor weakling who's stumbled or going through hard times or something like that. They say in a sickeningly sweet, condescending tone "we love you" or "we miss you", as if they're above me. They're ignorant and smug. I'm stronger than I've ever been; they're the weak ones. There's nothing weak about me. Put my whole congregation together and throw in the CO, too, and all them together wouldn't stand a chance against me. I'd pulverize their asses. It's probably going to come to that one day.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Ah, yes. . . . This is the CA I'm blowing off today.

    So happy to miss this crap.

  • All for show
    All for show

    We had this yesterday. Basically, inactive ones have been dedicated and we need to show personal interest. They may have been stumbled by persons, or they are not understanding new bible teachings, or they are stressed with the pressures of life. "They may be quietly calling out to God, cast down, feeling disgraced. Organizationally and spiritually we are moving at light speed with new light, they may not understand".

    Oh, the big one, they may be hiding a sin and it's wearing on them Mentally. They said how we need to love them more, reach out to them. Then the age old assumption that inactive ones have no relationship with Jehovah, because one must be close to the Borg to be close to God. The brother said, " remind them walking in spirit will help them resist temptation".


    It's all talk. Sure there are cases where an Eldub might call someone and make them his project, but overall it's just talk. The whole JW field circus routine is to keep dubs too busy to question. It also makes them FEEL that they are doing something worthwhile. Sometimes a weak dub will go back, but I would wager this happens because they don't know TTATT.

    It's 2014, where is the massive influx of inactive ones? Oh, that's right, they are going to websites like this one.


  • Phizzy

    " or they are not understanding new bible teachings, "...... it was this aspect I used when last receiving a call from two Elders (C.O's visit coming up you see, so they had to give me a knock).

    I said to them that the religion I left was no longer there to return to, all the unique doctrines had changed, therefore they had to treat me like a member of the Public who had never heard of their religion, and convince me they were teaching the "truth".

    I eagerly await their calling back on me to do just that. I said to them, after the above, "There's a challenge for you".

    I won't hold my breath whilst waiting....and waiting.

    I think it is time we ALL said something along these lines if we have been left for a while, even though we are faders and not DF'd or anything, they cannot take any action against us simply for asking them to explain themselves.

    That way all the other things they may think we left for are laid to rest, and the rumours stop, and the ball is firmly in their court.

  • tiki

    We had this yesterday. Basically, inactive ones have been dedicated and we need to show personal interest. They may have been stumbled by persons, or they are not understanding new bible teachings, or they are stressed with the pressures of life. "They may be quietly calling out to God, cast down, feeling disgraced. Organizationally and spiritually we are moving at light speed with new light, they may not understand".

    Oh, the big one, they may be hiding a sin and it's wearing on them Mentally. They said how we need to love them more, reach out to them. Then the age old assumption that inactive ones have no relationship with Jehovah, because one must be close to the Borg to be close to God. The brother said, " remind them walking in spirit will help them resist temptation".

    AFS Quote - The whole idea is that the "inactives" are just so dumb they are laden with guilt and just don't get the marvelous forward motion of the org....or they are just such human weaklings they can't cope with everyday life...........OR.......the biggie.....those hidden sins. They are painting any who no longer imbibe the kool-aid as lesser beings......they are stumbled, cast down, feeling ashamed, not understanding.....they need our love....gag me already.

    but then - it would never fly to admit that perhaps these people are assessing the realities of life and recognizing their own cognitive dissonance.

  • BluesBrother

    The reason that they do not pursue the inactive so much is that it does not go onto their report as hours in " the ministry" . Think, if they speak with you once you might ask them back and want to study . Think how much that would take off of their precious Report Hours? - Cannot have that !

  • Powermetal4ever

    Incredible, I missed that part. I must have been daydreaming through the whole assembly.


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