Watchtower 1941 sept. 15 p.283, 288 "In front of the convention platform the children recieving there free gift (copy) not as a play thing but as the Lords instrument for the work in the remaining MONTHS before armagedon..." So what lovely message did the kids get from Judge Rutherford? Children 1941page 281 "No children were taken onto Noah's is proper to wait until after Armagedon to have children...its only AFEW MORE YEARS till Armagedon..." The book concluded. "(John and his girlfriend talk) ...Armagedon is surely near our hope is within AFEW YEARS our marriage will be consumated and we will have sweet children...we will defer marriage and pioneer ...we will not see each other for a time.." Thats why I dont have kids it all started with this fools book!
Rutherford's last book "Children" 1941- Advice DONT HAVE KIDS...Where it all started!
by Witness 007 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Wow, whole generations have been born and died since then.
Overlapping ones of course.
I still have my Children's book.
You must be wrong!
This was a horrible false prediction that was made so personal to the impressionable young minds that received this book. It told them not to marry because Armageddon was Soo close....73 years ago !. Couples of marrying age are surely dead already and children maybe with us, but in their extreme old age.
The book had a dialogue between a young couple, a John and Eunice and ended :
The two walked silently through the fields and stopped again by the great tree on the river bank where they had some time before discussed their future plans. Seated at this vantage point they had a general view of the landscape.
"John dear, look at that beautiful scene beyond the river and up the mountainside. I am reminded that several months have passed since we made our sacred agreement right here. It is now autumn season, the time of harvest, and which the Scriptures speak of as a time of joy. The trees and their foliage bespeak the glory of God. Mark the colors, yellow and brown, of the foliage of the maple and sweet gum, the chestnut and the other trees on that mountainside. This being the harvest time also suggests the ingathering, the time when the Lord is gathering unto himself those who shall be of his 'other sheep' and the 'great multitude'. Mark the evergreen amongst that beautiful foliage which adds color and beauty to the scene, and which evergreen symbolizes life everlasting. Now the Lord has graciously shown us that there is set before us the prospect of life everlasting upon the earth. And what a glorious prospect! The earth is now beautiful, but that beauty is nothing to compare with the glory and beautythat shall be upon the whole earth during the reign of Christ the King."
"How true are your words, Eunice. We have walked through these broad fields many times, during our childhood days. But today these fields mean much more to us than ever before. They belong to the Lord, and He will beautify them for his children. Armageddon is surely near, and during that time the Lord will clean off the earth everything that offends and is disagreeable. Then, by His grace, we shall begin our life with a greater vision and prolonged joy. Now we see by faith the great THEOCRACY, and we are wholly and unreservedly committed to that righteous government. From now on we shall have our heart devotion fixed on THE THEOCRACY, knowing that soon we shall journey for ever together in the earth. Our hope is that within a few years our marriage may be consummated and, by the Lord's grace, we shall have sweet children that will be an honor to the Lord. We can well defer our marriage until lasting peace comes to the earth. Now we must add nothing to our burdens, but be free and equipped to serve the Lord. When THE THEOCRACY is in full sway it will not be burdensome to have a family. Then we may often walk through these broad fields, amidst the beautiful forests and environments, and will walk with our beloved children by our side and tell them all we have learned from the Lord, -
It is so interesting going through the Australian National Archives in regards to the JWs.
Welcome Zain. I've started going through it yesterday and it is interesting, I've started a couple of posts already.
My mother received her copy of this book at an assembly in New Zealand, not from Rutherford though. That assembly made an indelible impression on her - even though she eventually married. She always quoted her JW father who was known to be cautiously critical of Rutherford - primarily because of Rutherford's well-known scathing language.when I dared to ask my grandfather about Rutherford when I was older, all he would do was mutter and say, "The less you know about him the better". My grandfather remained loyal to the organization until his death (as did my other 3 grandparents), though.
Hi Zain,
what do you mean "going through the Aust archives?"
My mother was there and received her book from the judge.