My parents married in 1943. Influenced by Rutherfraud they postponed having a child for 9 years in order to pioneer. Mom continued to pioneer until I was 4 years old and I was the only child in our congregation until I was 5 years old. We have my MIL's copy of "Children" with an autograph and message from Joseph F Rutherford.
Rutherford's last book "Children" 1941- Advice DONT HAVE KIDS...Where it all started!
by Witness 007 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Witness 007
I always thought it was a "My book of bible stories" kids book....WHY WOULD HE GIVE A FREE ONE TO EACH KID??? basically says we wish you were never born and hell no your not getting a little sister until after armagedon....sick stuff.
Witness007, Not only was every kid under 18 given a free book, they were asked to get out of their seats and come up to the stage and get their copy while everyone else watched. Why? To start the indoctrination young enough to hook them for life. Rutherfraud and his cronies wanted the younger generation of dubs to do the heavy lifting by pioneering which involved spending at least 100 hrs in the minestry. Having children makes old fashioned pioneering next to impossible, therefore, it was discouraged at best, forbidden at worst.
Yep, 3rdgen. (waves ) My sister was 3 I think, and she was with the crowd of kids getting her book. She has no good JW childhood memories. Long days in FS, even going alone from door to door very very young.
It was a dark time. It was so frowned upon to get pregnant. My mom just barely told me before she died that my father wanted her to get an abortion but she couldn't do it. Such a cruel phoney religion. Like they really care about kids now because they have cartoons. The same hateful message to them but in a modern format.
Rutherford was truly a corrupt manipulative human being .
Part of him realized that to sustain his power and prominence as the President of the Watchtower Corporation and keep the presses rolling,
he had to propagate the end was near and sell that to the public to keep people working for the organization.
With that fear mongering intact he was able to lure in the gullible and naive to indenture them into his own sales
representatives. The causative effect of that devious commercialization was people later on reasling they were scammed and exploited
to their own detriment.
Rutherfraud called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.
"We wish you weren't born, and I'm going to put all parents in this convention hall on the spot for spawning you. Let everyone see who's spiritual and who's going to be burdened with you during the GT. If you were alive in Noah's day, jehoopla woulda let ya drown. Oh and btw, Armageddon is coming again, in just a few months years."
Dagney, . "Appearently" what was in Rutherfraud's mind when forbiding/discouraging having children was how much more helpful to the Borg Bible students/JW's could be pioneering instead of having children. Example, my parents. They sinned and had one child, but during the 9 years of pioneering w/o a child they converted more than a dozen individuals. Do the math. That's how a few grew to be many at first. Then when the base was big enough (late 70's) then children were welcome. (sort of)
Who in the F*** ever talked like that?!?!?!?! LOL!!!! WOW! Talk about forbidding to marry....
If anyone wants to know where the cult personality originated from within the JWs organization, look no further than J Rutherford.
The power and the wealth of the WTS. supported his own personal self appealing image of overwhelming power over others.
With all of that power and wealth its no wonder men who become presidents or GB members never leave their positions until their deaths !
Witness 007
Watchtower 2008 April 15 p.19 "Single or childless for a noble purpose. ..Many couples have chosen to remain childless to be free to serve Jehovah...they put kingdom interests above the privedges of marriage. Jehovah will not forget their work...there will be a Great Tribulation and it will be difficult for adult and children alike." (Hint hint) Same old story.