The only "something horrible" I am afraid of that stems from my leaving the washtowel is that they could forcibly drag me right back into the cancer, and now especially with Saturn headed for Sagittarius (prime for legal actions and cults). Forced hosting, lawsuits on the technicality that I legally dedicated my soul to joke-hova, and even medication threats to be used. Then, once back, forced ridiculous participation.
Now, compare this with staying in. Wasting my time going door to door, oblivious to the risks of diseases (and not Ebola, but more dangerous things like tuberculosis that are far easier to catch and spread). Risks of being in an accident while out in field circus that would have been prevented had I not gone out. Obeying stupid rules that serve no useful point. Being even more cut off from Satan and His Demons. Being oblivious to the hyperinflation threat, hence unable to do anything about it. Donating all my funds to the Worldwide Damnation Fund, so even if I did sense something bad to come, I could do nothing about it. New Kingdumb maladies designed to damn souls even worse than the old ones, not to mention even worse blasphemy against Satan.
And, as if this wasn't bad enough, what if I get called to do a super stupid mission? Worse than Nigeria. If they go forward and hound everyone to "arrange their affairs" and do that two-week wastefest in Israel this coming spring, that is going to connect the negative energy and the curses on the nations directly with the source. Not only will that cost roughly a monster box of silver's worth to go, but I would be spreading damnation and universal communism for the whole free universe.
I think I will stick with Christmas, apostasy, and listening to heavy metal and rap.