Are you afraid something horrible will happen to you now you have left the Wt.

by Still Totally ADD 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • redvip2000

    One day the jet he was on crashed and all aboard died. All in the congregation was saying see this is what happens when you leave.

    This only proves that you should not even be close to someone who has left the "troof", since evidently Jehoober is willing to kill everyone within a 50 yard radius in order to execute judgement on someone who has left the Org.

  • quellycatface
  • Richard_I

    Adolf Hitler was responsible for millions of deaths and died at age 56

    Joseph Stalin was responsible for millions of deaths and died age 74.

    Mao Zedong was responsible for millions of deaths and died age 82.

    The slimeballs Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney are still alive at ages 92 and 73, respectively.

    The ruthless Robert Mugabe is still alive at age 90 while millions of Zimbabweans starve and die of disease.

    Shirō Ishii, the director of the terrible Unit 731, was immune from prosecution, despite commiting unspeakable acts to thousands of civilians, and died age 67.

    Genghis Khan and the Mongols were responsible for reducing the world's population by 11%, with Khan dieing around age 65.

    Pol Pot was responsible for millions of deaths and died age 72.

    Hell even Keith Richards, who has survived a lifetime of drug addiction, is still alive at age 70.

    Meanwhile, if you left Jehovah you'll die a horrific death before you're 30 because you disobeyed him!!!!! He singled you out because you left him, but he did nothing to Hitler, Stalin, etc.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Richard - you're missing the obvious thing, for someone to have come to an accurate knowledge of truth, then turn back to worldly ways leaves them as worse than a man of the nations! If you leave the cult, you're worse than anyone who's ever been in the cult, no matter what they did.

    It's so disgusting to think that I once thought things like that...

  • ctrwtf

    Not trying to be disrespectful to anyone. I understand perfectly the PTSD that comes from leaving a belief system. I admit that I've had a brief (very brief) pang of what if?

    Still, the thought that unseen spirit forces are somehow monitoring our every thought and action is primitive and vesigial.

    I'm perfectly comfortable with the thought that something horrible will definitely happen to me at some point in time. I'm just not going to blame "the spirits."

  • WTWizard

    The only "something horrible" I am afraid of that stems from my leaving the washtowel is that they could forcibly drag me right back into the cancer, and now especially with Saturn headed for Sagittarius (prime for legal actions and cults). Forced hosting, lawsuits on the technicality that I legally dedicated my soul to joke-hova, and even medication threats to be used. Then, once back, forced ridiculous participation.

    Now, compare this with staying in. Wasting my time going door to door, oblivious to the risks of diseases (and not Ebola, but more dangerous things like tuberculosis that are far easier to catch and spread). Risks of being in an accident while out in field circus that would have been prevented had I not gone out. Obeying stupid rules that serve no useful point. Being even more cut off from Satan and His Demons. Being oblivious to the hyperinflation threat, hence unable to do anything about it. Donating all my funds to the Worldwide Damnation Fund, so even if I did sense something bad to come, I could do nothing about it. New Kingdumb maladies designed to damn souls even worse than the old ones, not to mention even worse blasphemy against Satan.

    And, as if this wasn't bad enough, what if I get called to do a super stupid mission? Worse than Nigeria. If they go forward and hound everyone to "arrange their affairs" and do that two-week wastefest in Israel this coming spring, that is going to connect the negative energy and the curses on the nations directly with the source. Not only will that cost roughly a monster box of silver's worth to go, but I would be spreading damnation and universal communism for the whole free universe.

    I think I will stick with Christmas, apostasy, and listening to heavy metal and rap.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Thanks to everbody who made a comment. I had to leave after I posted and just now was able to read all your great comments. The feeling I am getting from all of you is No we did not worry about this. Again I know the cult has but this fear in me and many others. I guess it is just part of the healing process. Most likely I will die old with no mind to remember. LOL Still Totally ADD

  • blondie

    I think of all the good things that have happened to me since I left and continue happening.

    Are jws suggesting that God protects individual jws? That jws never get cancer or other deadly diseases, and die?

    That jws never die in car accidents?

    That jws never die being robbed?

    *** w08 9/15 p. 9 Jehovah Is “the Provider of Escape” for Us ***What About Physical Protection?

    8 As individuals, we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    All good points blondie. I think cult thinking is when it happens to them it's satan. If it happens to those who leave the cult it has to be god's judgement on the person. In the real world I know it does not matter who or what you are we all have things happen to us. Whether they are bad or not. Thanks for your imput. Still Totally ADD

  • singlebaby

    Because I am much more aware and AWAKE now and am actually less susceptible to accidents or other trauma due to ignorance or other factors such as that. Also, I'm less likely to be sukered in to some sceme and become a victim.

    So, NO. I don't fear something bad will happen.


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