The Nazi regime hated Jews, gays, JWs and other minorities. So they solved the 'problem' by exterminating them. The current ISIS group hates Jews and Christians and beheads those it considers 'enemies' and 'infidels'. The average Brain-washed Witness holds the firm belief that 'Jehovah' will murder billions on non-JWs soon, and they look forward to this event. They firmly believe that those murdered persons DESERVE to be killed simply for holding different beliefs from the JW dogma. My question is: Isn't the Witnesses salivating over the prospect of their 'enemies' being justifiably murdered essentially the same mindset as that of the Nazis and ISIS??? The ultimate message is the same: it's OK to murder people who hold different beliefs. To me it''s an EVIL philosophy no matter which group is promoting it.
The Witness beliefs remind me of the Nazis and ISIS
by NAVYTOWN 24 Replies latest jw friends
It's not a big step, at least philosophically, from "do things my way or God will kill you" to "do things my way or I will kill you".
Armageddon is the JW's "Final Solution", the German populace never let what that means sink in, leaving it to time and others to worry about it. WT defers the messy part to the WT God, who has, -if you believe the talking snake story- done it before.
It's a mindset along the same line but the ISIS one if much further along.
The Christian / JW message condemns the behavior but holds out forgiveness / salvation with destruction by god reserved for the unrepentant.
The extreme islamic message is immediate but slow and painful execution preferably with some torture first.
There are degrees to evil.
Apparently though some have no trouble labelling the JW teachings and behavior as evil but don't think islam does any wrong despite it being much further along the line.
It's not a big step, at least philosophically, from "do things my way or God will kill you" to "do things my way or I will kill you".
But it is a big step in the behaviour that it encourages - one group peacefully waits for the rapture so they can be taken to heaven whereas the other only expect to get to heaven by killing for their god.
It's not a big step, at least philosophically, from "do things my way or God will kill you" to "do things my way or I will kill you".
It would be interesting to ask a JW how they feel about the radical Islamic idea of killing apostes. I'm sure they would be against it. Then show them WT statements that lend itself to the same idea philosophically, even though not actually sanctioned
Would a JW kill if God demanded it?
The WT literature claims that God will do whatever he wants and it is alright if he has a change of his mind.
---They say it was fine for God to tell Abraham to kill his own son.
And Abraham was exemplary for trying to do it.
NS propaganda, Goebbels were False Prophets too, because:
Their doctrine had it that they rule (Reich) had started in ~1933, would last a 1000 years, in the background were 144 pillars, to stand that long, obedience to all commands, "even if they seem to irrational at the time"
no elections, all appointments by fiat.
ostrasizing, shunning, elimination of all those disagreeing.
-- a chosen race-- ruling as kings, --dukes--, a two-tier systems of humans,
Isis? they don't celebrate birthdays, christmas, easter either.
I have always wondered how many unstable JWs would take up arms upon command from the Governing Body.......
Ba2: the unstable witnesses like us are "up in arms" already. and
In the 1930s, early 40s, The NS goverment spokesman and the WT spokesperson were look-alikes. Goebbels & Franz; crazy ideas, propaganda, and
both had a pre-occupation with their shoes.