Just got back from trick or treating with the kids... Husband is completely, beside himself LIVID. He's going to the elders on me. I've havent been to a meeting in over a year. Not sure if they can or will do anything.
Do you think this is for real, or he is just venting or bluffing? This is really dysfunctional and cultish. Sounds like you are still married. If you are no longer going to JW meetings why do you think he would do this? This is so petty, unless he is an uber-dub that thinks his eternal salvation now depends on his telling the elders his wife committed the sin of taking his children trick or treating. Sounds like you made a stand to not let your children miss out by not adherring to the beliefs of this farce of a religion.
Lot's of good advice here. If he actually does turn you in to the elders, that is a separate issue for you to personally decide how you will handle. For the trick or treating thing....I always like the advice to not acknowledge that the elders have authority over you any longer. If the elders contact you, it shows more than likely something will happen. You could play the 2 witness rule, but we all know that only applies when the cult needs to protect a pedophile that they like. If you thought enough to do it and your hubby turned you in, you might as well face it head on.
If the elders contact you inquiring about this. GET IN A HUFF, and tell them you dare them to contact you over something so petty and ridiculous as little kids having fun. Then, tell them if they want something to check into then they can go check into all the pedophile cases the Watchtower is getting sued over, and why the Governing Body is changing beliefs so much. That will catch them so off-guard....THEN HANG UP. They may be so shocked that they just drop it.
Good luck, and do keep us posted if this develops into something more.