I did not "defend" anything in my post above. I stated a fact. Muslims do not cover under any kind of "headship arrangement". It is not a doctrine or a teaching in Islam.
Interesting Religious Conversation with my Daughter...
by garyneal 38 Replies latest social family
Mo taught that women should be covered. Its in the hadith is it not?
In the quran men are instructed to beat a disobedient wife.
Has every muslim man in every muslim majority country on earth misnderstood their faith?
Are millions and millions of muslim women oppressed because of a misunderstanding?
Hey guys, the point is Gary was respectful about all religions when he discussed it with his daughter. His point was that people do things that may not make sense to others because they think it will please their god.
We may not understand it or approve of it, or even believe there is a God.
You want to argue about Islam, it isn't going to be with me. I was stating a fact.
The Quran(which Muslims believe is from God) teaches about hijab. It is open to interpretation in how one implements it. Some say that hadith clarifies it. Some say the hadith just muddies the issue. Hadith is not scripture, it is just sayings/hearsay. Which is why some women cover their hair, their face or just dress modestly. In Christianity, it says straight up to cover ones hair, its a headship issues that many christians agree with in principle, but not practice. Most Christians believe the Bible is inspired and very few of them cover their hair. Others play silly hanky games JWs and So. Baptists and even nuns, nowadays.
I would encourage those who think that they are educating others to be informed by facts rather than anti-Muslim activists. There are plenty of nominal Muslims that are reprehensible human beings, but I think you will find a representative amount in the Christian, pagan and non-believing world.
If you are going to judge a religion by headline makers, take the last 4000 years and see how that works for Christians, atheists, or other kinds of belief systems/non belief systems. The fruits of (whatever) isn't just this quarter century. Except to provincial, small minded people.
You know, the ones that get pissy because Spanish is an option at your ATM or in a govt. office.
The quran instructs men to beat their disobedient wives. This is a fact.
Millions of muslim men all over the world obey this instruction of Mo. Why are you not outraged?
Ayaan Hirsi Ali knows what she is talking about.
JWdaughter - "Muslims generally don't follow Pauline thought."
Probably for the best.
You sound like an AWESOME husband and father Gary, and those are the things at the end of the day which is most important in keeping your bond tight with your children.
When they grow and see first hand the chilly nature of the WTS, they will see the difference between true love you give, and the pho lip service the WTS gives....mark my words....
I am discussing in this whether or not wearing the hijab is a "headship" issue in Islam. It is not. The religion does not teach that covering ones head is about respecting husbands or fathers. I was merely trying to inform the OP who lovingly is trying to teach his children about diversity and to respect others. Too bad not all here have learned that lesson.
I think it is possible to respect others while disrespecting their religion.
I responded to a factual error. I am not here to defend or justify any religion to anyone, Cofty. Anyone who wants to promote ignorance and provincial behaviors is on the same continuum as terrorists and extremists of all bents. Whatever their purported motivations they are not for the betterment of anyone.