Zone Visit: An Announcement That Will "Test Your Faith"
If this is true.....I would surmize that it does have to do with the recent rash of Watchtower pedophile reports in the news.
I would surmize a Zone meeting like this could a have 2 fold purpose. (1) The Watchtower could annouce what has been going on, but they get to spin it however they want. In the eyes of the R&F it would look like the GB must be telling the truth, because they are showing transparancy. Of course, all the GB has to say is that it is NOT true, and that it is an attack on Jehovah's Organization by Satan in an attempt to cripple it financially in order to stop the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom. (2) After that, all the GB has to say is words to the effect "we need your money to fight Satan's attack" "are you going to let Satan win and stop the preaching work?" "Jehovah is testing your faith....will you give more money or not?" etc, etc, etc.
I think they could pull in milllions more dollars if they made it sound like a Satanic attack on the Organization, and that giving money could be equated with winning this Satanic attack. So many JW's lead a double life that any hope of giving money and buying a good conscience would be jumped on eagerly. Old witnesses with money would happily sign over estates in order to personally have a hand in the battle against Satan. Many who never had much of a Service Report could easily be suckered into buying their way into Paradise.
The Watchtower changes so much now, that it's always fun to surmize what the Watchtower could be up to next. LOL