For years we have debated on this board about whether or not the Governing Body are truly wicked or just clueless. These recent court cases have hammered home their true nature. They are willfully evil, deliberately and recklessly endangering the lives of tiny innocent children. Let's put to bed the idea that they have any tenderness or love in their black arrogant hearts.
What the recent court cases prove about the Governing Body
by JimmyPage 13 Replies latest jw friends
I agree with what you posted but I also want to add that they are very arrogant men too. When I listened to the podcast done by Cedars and others and they interviewed Mr. Zalkin it really drove home how difficult they are to deal with. He saw them as more difficult than the Catholic Church in the child abuse matters.
Wasanelder Once
When you are a brother of Christ, its even closer to the big guy than the Vicar of Christ. They are family. Don't mess with Jesus' family. Trust me, this is how they think.
zed revisited
You forgot to add that they are real pussies.
rip van winkle
Jehovah doesn't have a problem with the 7 governing body members otherwise he'd remove them as his sole channel. They are to be rulers with Christ, so why should they answer to some court of law about what Jehovah wills?
The more arrogant they are , the more obstructionist they are , the more difficult they are to deal with in the courts , the more they think , delusionally , that jehovah is going to give them the victory over the courts of the land , the more for us to rejoice.
The more bigger and better judgements will go against the WTB&TS....$$$$$$$$$ ...for pissing the courts off.
I hope they dont change their policy , the way they handle child sex abuse . Sad as that may sound , their are too many victims of sexuall abuse by jehovahs witnesses in the past not just in the USA , but around the world , because of their policy , that if they changed it now , many may not get the justice they deserve
I have to disagree Smiddy, I wish they would change the way they operate, and fast, no more children should have their lives taken away by paedophiles because the WT/JW religion refuses to take easy measures.
Historic abuse will still be able to find successful outcomes in the Courts, as the WT/JW Org was responsible then for its occurance.
Knowing that these cases are being brought against them, recently the WT brazenly printed:
*** w12 5/1 p. 16 What Is the Good News About Religion? ***
1. Is all religion good?
Many religious groups include sincere people who want to please God. He sees those people and cares about them. Sadly, though, some people have used religion for evil purposes. In the past, religious leaders have even tortured their opponents. (2 Corinthians 4:3, 4; 11:13-15) Today, according to news reports, some religious leaders have encouraged terrorism or supported war, or they have been involved in child abuse.—Read Matthew 24:3-5, 11, 12.That is just plain hypocrisy when it's happening within your own walls.
Phizzy: I have to disagree Smiddy, I wish they would change the way they operate, and fast, no more children should have their lives taken away by paedophiles because the WT/JW religion refuses to take easy measures.
This, of course, works on the assumption that WT's real actions/policies would reflect what's in print. As we all know, WT has a clear record of putting in print one "official" policy (the smokescreen) while continuing on with "business as usual" (the agenda).
Frankly, I'd rather have WT continue to do exactly what it already does in regard to its pedophile policy, that way the courts can deal with it on a real basis instead of having to sift through the rhetoric and deception in order to get to the truth. When the courts are dealing with a known problem they can then pummel WT accordingly.
Calebs Airplane
Totally agree... There is absolutely no doubt of which any of these narcissists can be given the benefit thereof.