The Governing body KNOW EXACTLY what the score is. They are the lowest filth there is. I surmise that they either protect paedophiles because they think it will save them money (which in itself is evil), or they or members of the GB are THEMSELVES paedophiles and they are protecting themselves. A third alternative? I doubt it. The GB are evil filth of the lowest order and should be treated as such.
What the recent court cases prove about the Governing Body
by JimmyPage 13 Replies latest jw friends
Marvin Shilmer
They are willfully evil, deliberately and recklessly endangering the lives of tiny innocent children.
Back in the 50s, 60s and 70s little children in the US suffered terribly cruel persecution refusing to either salute the flag or pledge allegience to the United States. In each case these children were taught they were suffering for righteousness.
No one told these children, or their parents, that top officials at Watchtower were all (ALL!!!) pledging allegiance to the United States.
Evilness has a deep rooted tradition inside the walls of Watchtower world!
They can teach about Paul and others going before courts and government officials ... but ONE GB MEMBER won't go when he's summoned. Arrogant pricks!
Yet, let a JW try to avoid a JC Hearing or not turn in Monthly FS time and the Elders won't let up. I hate those bastards.
Phizzy , With all due respect mate , maybe you are putting too much trust in the law/judicial system of the land , as I pointed out on another post here in vict.Aust.recently while a vict.govt.enquiry into child sexual abuse is still ongoing , a married woman teacher with children of her own was not given a jail sentence for grooming a ten year old boy for sex.Another case was a pedophile not given a jail sentence even though he had previous convictions.
The watchtower speaks out of both sides of their mouth with this issue .
On the one hand they claim to deplore child sex abuse .
On the other hand they do nothing to change their policys that enable it to happen in their religion .
And how long has this been going on for ? Decades
Frankly, I'd rather have WT continue to do exactly what it already does in regard to its pedophile policy, that way the courts can deal with it on a real basis instead of having to sift through the rhetoric and deception in order to get to the truth. When the courts are dealing with a known problem they can then pummel WT accordingly.
I agree , ADCMS