Kerenhappuch (Job 42: 14)
Girls names
by FeelingFree 95 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sure your sweet baby girl will be precious so why not give her a name to reflect that: Gem, Jewel,Diamond, Ruby, Topaz, Opal, Pearl,Sapphire, you get the idea.
Or if she is your first child, how about Genesis?
If I had a girl I would probably have given her an old-fashioned name like "Emmily"
Whatever moniker she gets I'm sure she'll grow into it and define the name for you forever more.
Trinity, if you are feeling very anti JW and liked The Matrix LOL
LOL - there is a little girl across the road with that name, super cute - every time I hear it I imagine "mummy and daddy must have really liked that movie" (she's probably about the right age).
Whatever you do, steer clear of anything based on the immediately recent (like "Twilight", LOL) otherwise she'll be a.n.other [whatever] when she gets to school.
I like the name Delia, (pronounced Deal ya).
I like the names Paige, Charlotte and Chloe. My daughter has one of these. Kate xx
Camden. cammie for short. Also like Charlie for a girl.
Thanks for all your suggestions the sensible and the terrible haha!
I have looked at Irish names but I'm never sure how on earth your say them but some are very pretty.
Not my first child and already have a little girl who's name I love, so its hard to find one to go with her's and our stupid surname. I used to really like Eden for a girl but now I'm not so sure.... It's a bit biblely and I heard a really chavvy boy talking about his sister who was called Eden and it kind of put me off.
It's so difficult choosing and knowing it will be their name forever....
How about Aden / Ayden? Sounds less Biblely...
St George of England
Make sure you give the child at least two names, then as they grow older they can choose which to use.
Avoid Bible names at all costs. I knew a family, not JW's, and all their children had 'obscure' Bible names such as Nahum, Obadiah etc, except the oldest boy who was Michael. He told me that his siblings went through hell at school beacuse of their names.
I always say if you want a weird name, change your own to that one; don't burden your kid with it!