Virgina - Vergi, Gina,
Girls names
by FeelingFree 95 Replies latest jw friends
Just choose something normal, for heaven's sake. Don't even give your child a weird middle name.
Chris Tann
Arneese: are-niece
I love my name Maeve.
It will pronounce it for you and give the background. Be warned though--it is pagan.
...and all the best with the birth. A truly great event.
Pams girl
Taryn, Bronwyn, Rhiannon, Astrid, Gwynneth, Lynnette, Pamela,............................................................................... Paula...
Keely, Halle, Harley................One time someone was asking for names of goddess. I said Isis. Turns out that is what she named her baby.
Boy did I get shamed for that one. " Because of YOU she named her baby a Pagan name" lol
I like simple names that are a little different.........I still like my daughters name...... Aimee Janel
Kesiah kez-e-ah
Kesiah kez-e-ah
Although I'm not crazy about some of the suggestions made so far, I'm glad I haven't seen anyone suggest Tyler or Hunter yet, because I cannot think of more awful names for a girl.
An addendum to my last post: don't give your child a name that's a Googlewhack. If they are the only person in the world with that combination of first and last name, then they will be easy for people to Google, and I would suggest that's more of a negative than a positive. In a world where a ton of web sites collect and publicly list names, addresses and phone numbers, it's nice to at least have a name that is shared by a number of other people, allowing one to cyber-hide amongst the other results returned for one's name.
lol, there are a million adens calas emilies, olivias, sofias, lillies lilliannas ashleys, millies, makalas, ashtons savana, keelies and jordons.
and and 89 percent of the other names metioned in your posts. pick a name that cant be made fun of.
think of one that makes for nice initials. sometimes seeing three letters in a row written in script it gives you a good feeling.
then when you pick a letter you like, go from there. think of the child, will she get her name shortened? do you want it shortenned? please dont use the letter P [ Poopoo head patty,lol]
one that was not mentioned was my grandmas name, Grace.[GRACIE] and her middle name was olive. [ I had a girlfreind named margret ann]
asia was a name i liked, pronounced like the country. but the only middle name In my opinion,
that would go with Asia is lynn. Asia Lynn. my daughters name is leah.
the old names are coming back, and there are too too many people trying to combine two names, like donya, adalynn, ect . thats too common.
casey, and tracy is good for boy or girl
think of this, IF it can be made fun of in school, If its hard to spell for a small child, IF its hard to say for small children ,
If it makes people think of a hooker, stay away from those names. lol.
good luck
ps: some people wait till they have the baby for a day or two, to see its little personality, its eye color, and hair, then they choose one that fits the baby.