Favorite Episode of Star Trek

by Coded Logic 32 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Calling all TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, or Enterprise fans, what's your favorite serries and why? And what's your favorite episode and why?

    (Too many choices on Netflix for me to decide which to watch right now)

  • sloppyjoe2

    I grew up watching star trek the next generation but became more interested in deep space 9. Voyager got boring and I never watched enterprise. Sorry about favorite episodes, I don't really remember them. Start at episode 1, the beauty of netflix.

  • Raton

    I really enjoyed 'Enterprise' and wished it lasted a little longer. You could try watching them all starting with the ones that came out first.

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    I liked them all but my favorite was the TNG because I was 11 when it came out and it came on when I got off school.

    TNG was basically them policing the area but they had Tasha Yar and Deanna Troi which was great for a preteen JW boy.

    DS9 they just sat there.

    The original, voyager, and Enterprise they actually explored new systems.

  • Simon

    I'm a sucker for anything with time travel in - I liked the one where they are repeating a loop and data ends up sending a message back to the next occurrence but something short so all he can send is "3".

    I liked Voyager (7of9!) and was sad that it ended mid-season without a satisfactory ending. I never liked DS9 as much although we used to watch it.

    The original StarTrek and TNG are still the best, such a good premise for a show.

  • BU2B

    I like the TNG, TOS, and Enterprise. I tried to watch Voyager but I lost interest, and I never watched DS9. I liked the Movies too, except for the first one. My favorite being the Wrath of Khan.

  • lurkernomore

    Got a agree with you there Simon. Jean - Luke all the way :D

    Q always made for an interesting episode.

    I did enjoy voyager but that was always for the hot female factor ie 7of9!

  • poopsiecakes

    I love TNG and have a few favorite episodes, mostly from season 5. "The Perfect Mate" was awesome - Famke Janssen is in it and she does a really good job of being both innocent and seductive. Picard's confusion over the whole thing is what puts it over the top for me. Another favorite from season 5 is "Darmok" because I love saying 'Darmok and Jilaad at Tinagra'. "The Inner Light" is very well done as well where Picard lives an entire lifetime in 30 minutes. And of course, any episode with the Borg is great.

  • punkofnice

    I'm no trekkie but I remember an episode with Patrick Stewart where he re lived his past. 'Tapestry' I think it was called.

  • mrquik

    Has to be the "Wrath of Khan" episode that seamlessly led to the movie. Ricardo Montalban was great in both.

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