It is official they're selling off Kingdom Halls in Britain

by raymond frantz 102 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • erbie

    As already mentioned above, when any company starts selling off assets in such a massive way as this it can mean only one thing-they are in desperate need of money.

    And I believe they have been laying the groundwork for some time by reducing the number of meetings per week etc.

    Honestly, I am still genuinely stunned though. Just think about it, all that extensive building and expansion campaign we saw throughout the last two decades has all been gearing up to an enormous sell off.

    To think that all that building work was carried out by those poor volunteers who thought they were building Jehovah's new Kingdom...

    My God, what a racket.

    Even by their standards this is outrageous and is the biggest and most telling WT news I've heard in a long time.

    I am genuinely gobsmacked...

    ...but relieved and glad that I managed to get my family out of it while they were still young.

    Peace and good wishes to you all ✋

  • Gregor

    One might deduce that they see the writing on the wall and are cashing out the properties that have been sustained by the rank and file for years.

    Four congs sharing one hall could mean that 3 properties can be liquidated. These world wide real estate holdings could make the Brooklyn sell-off look like chicken feed. If they are calling in all congregation savings/pools, the cash flow must be amazing.

  • joe134cd

    I just wonder if they are seeing issues with the charities commission in the UK and trying to get the money out before it starts getting taxed.

  • jookbeard

    Splash is correct, fuel and travel costs will mean less will make the meetings , if they have been used to a nice morning Sunday meeting and they suddenly find themselves having to attend a Sunday evening meeting a few miles further it will have the desired affect, KH attendence must be poor in the UK now as well, my old KH must be on the hit list as another KH less then 2 miles away is used by 2 congs, I remember the dreadful "quickbuild" and rectifications that were needed because of the dreadful workmanship, and additional costs

  • Awake at last
    Awake at last

    Any information on what is happening in Australia regarding KH consolidation?

  • lurkernomore

    Here we have 4 KH's in a 15 mile radius. Fairly rural territory. Some months before we stopped going, I'd say a good 6 months ago, my local hall and another were in the process of consolidating and building a new hall to share. The other hall has already been sold and have since been using the one local to me. I wonder if their plans will be put on hold to find another location to include the other 2 halls as well?!

    It's unbelievable how obviously their asking for money. It's not even subtle anymore and neither is it spaced apart by any length of time. It seems like there's a constant barrage of requests for this or arrangements for that which need funding.

    Lucky for me and my family I stopped giving a long time ago and to be honest never really contributed more than a 5er at assemblies lol.

  • punkofnice

    I agree with bohm.

    Does God hate brits?

    Well he certainly bloody hates me. My life is proof of that!

  • Splash

    What was the reason the Congregation Book Study meeting was combined with the TMS and SM?
    Wasn't it along the lines that "fuel is expensive, so the GB have kindly saved you one trip per week"?

    Here are two quotes from that BOE letter April 21st 2008:

    "The Governing Body is fully aware of the mounting pressures that YOU, the Lord’s precious sheep, are experiencing. Like the first century Governing Body we wish to add no further burden to you, except what is necessary. Therefore, after prayerful consideration we have decided to take steps to lighten your load by adjusting the weekly schedule for congregation meetings."

    "This adjustment in our weekly meeting schedule will be beneficial in many ways. For example, in many lands the cost of fuel is escalating, and much time is expended in travelling to and from congregation meetings."

    It seems the lure of more money has once again overriden the concerns for "the Lord's precious sheep".


  • lurkernomore

    Splash - I discussed this with my wife this morning. Just earlier this year we had our CA moved within 40 mins of home instead of the usual 2 hr trip, apparently to save us costs. Fuel is heavily taxed in the UK and add that to accommodation costs it makes for an expensive weekend. Anyway low and behold the new venue which was touted as recently refurbished was in fact still a dump (it had been used previously over the years) and congregations in this area have again be assigned to travel the 2 hrs to the previous location, which is owned by the society funny enough lol.

  • punkofnice

    Is there a list?

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