Something to share with a hardcore JW pal of mine who holds out hope that I will return someday to the Borg. God forbids !
It is official they're selling off Kingdom Halls in Britain
by raymond frantz 102 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Does the phrase "corporate raid" have any relevance to today's Bethel? We shall in time find out I guess. Looks like "the end of the Bethel world", not the world system overall, "has approached", that "grand climax is at hand".
Please reserve a life boat for the floating JWs to come from this Jonah like toss overboard from the Bethel sinking ship. The spiritual anchor has long since been abandoned, the ice bergs abound, "the only sign that will be given" to JWs is "the sign of Jonah", buried 3 days, a "day for a year", coming soon. A big fish will be required.
There will be a party after "three days", "JWs: Welcome Back from the Abyss!"
In all seriousness, may we lend a helping hand to JWs when the time comes, they seem to be the last victims lined up in the Bethel scam. May we treat JWs better than they treat their shunned and beaten "sheep" brothers and sisters, and so doing heap firey coals upon their humbled heads with reconciliation in view. Poor guys, really, they trusted men rather than God and this is what happens when that happens. Shift happens.
Imo, "it's the end of the Bethel as we know it..., it's the end of the Bethel as we know it..."
Matthew 24:15
What I am starting to think is the JW numbers are actually in the 5-6 million range, they extended that statistical error and floated a congreagtional bloat to keep the illusion fresh (and to store assets for the right time in that illusion), and now they are sellign down to the real numbers, before game day on Bethel, to get out the big asset haul before the storm hits on Bethel. The Bethel system "bones" will be left behind for litigants and creditors, the meat is now exiting via hedges and tunnels. I think the last 4 years is at least a public record 500 million dollars in real-estate in just JW owned hotels liquidated in NY alone. Imagine the international real numbers in all assets. Probably a BILLION or two.
Congregations would be liquidated last, because some JWs may react to that red flag if it was flown too early on, imo, so they are saving this portion for last, but are now liquidating down "on speed", to the real JW numbers, actually well below 7 million JWs, imo. Bethel has been in negative JW numbers, covered with statistical fiction, for probably a decade. The ministry is even deader than the measly 1-3% supposed growth indicates. It is a cadaver ready for dissection in reality, imo.
In the process, everything is just a "test of faith" in Bethel as being "divinely appointed" as they pillage JW proper, so it is a "test of faith" because JW faith is now squarely upon "the org", not God, God has "left the building" JW "house is abandoned to itself". And rightly so, this is an organizational and human worshiping apostate idolatry led by Bethel itself. Sow, reap, as the story goes.
In case the "test of faith" don't work, then they also spin the "prophecy is fulfilling brothers!" smokescreen. All in all mental delusions covers up reality to the average JW mind.
Then finally, when push comes to shove, they just tell JWs: "Thank you brothers and sisters for all your help. The ministry is now over, officially." "Good bye, check the sky for Christ, he will be showing up soon, in the meantime see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!"
End of story.
Christ will not be showing up quite as soon as deluded JWs are misled to expect, instead that delusion aids the exit strategy and the billions from the JW org. Bethel is the only world that will be "ending", JWs have been fully duped by delusion and faith in mere men, con men at that. The world system continues, JW become laughing stock, the whole ministry and prophecy is discredited for quite some time, Bethel is dissolved.
JWs check in to reality. Faith is indeed tested. The world continues to run its course. A new drama emerges. Some JWs learn the lesson.
raymond frantz
I finally got the letter and have uploaded on the website with the highlighted references ,let me know what you think
The letter that proves the sell off Kingdom Halls in Britain
raymond frantz
Ocean 1111, quite right.The only thing that will shake off JW's is if the Watchtower comes to it's end well before the end the world .That is something that will shake off their faith
Ocean1111, your scenario is something I've considered before, too.
However, I've also thought that the top dogs - since almost everything suggests that they totally believe everything they say - would also be just as likely to hunker down and not budge as it all comes crumbling down.
St George of England
We had the letter read this week also. It never caused so much as a ripple in the audience.
For what it's worth, the sell off and consolidation is starting in Brighton on 1 December 2014 with two congregations becoming the new Brighton (West) Congregation. The remaining congregation in one of the halls will be the next to go and the KH sold. It's already on the market apparently.
Mickey mouse
We should start linking all the halls up for sale.
On here for my daily post-JW therapy and it never fails to warm me up. Thanks to the OP and OCEAN 1111 for this 'nugget':
"Thank you brothers and sisters for all your help. The ministry is now over, officially." "Good bye, check the sky for Christ..!"
You forgot to add a picture of the bandit with a mask and loot over his shoulder ! LMAO (Can I use that expression ? Oh, well the freedom that comes with leaving the Borg !)
raymond frantz, thanks for posting this. Do you have a scan of the letter you could post?
I'm curious about the full-time nature of the "construction servants" that will be involved with this. Do they not have outside sources of income? Who is supporting them?
All of this seems to be increasing the control of the branches and by extention the GB. This would correspondingly increase their liablity in any legal issues.
Curiouser and curiouser