God is not an element both in religious fanaticism and atheism alike

by exWTslave 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Motion in our universe comes from the four fundamental forces and space/time expansion. No supernatural explination required.

    The existance of energy is proof that energy exists. It is NOT proof that something exists outside of space and time. And it's NOT proof of any kind of creative agency.

    "I don't know how this works - therefore God." Is not a sound logical argument. You cannot solve one mystery with another mystery. You cannot explain one unknown by postulating the existance of another unknown.

    Please see the formal logical fallacy of argument from ignorance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_ignorance

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic


    - exWTslave

    This claim is demonstrably false. The "natural" state of matter is constant velocity - NOT rest. A state of "rest" is not possible inside our universe. The motion of objects can only be measured in comparison to other objects. Our universe is in a state of perpetual and increasing expansion. There is no such thing as zero speed.

  • galaxie

    During my last intimate conversation with my fish friend he assured me it was his belief that neptune had created his watery world.

    While explaining to him to research the evidence to the contrary, he just blew bubbles at me., the cheek !!!!

  • cofty

    their real problem is the human rights abuse of the religious fanatics—something which God hates (not the lack of proof for God’s existence) - exjwslave (who the hell wants to be a slave ffs?)

    Wrong. Even if every human and animal on earth lived in perfect bliss I would still demand evidence for your imaginary deity.

    Do you have any?

  • DJS

    WTF? I really don't know where to start. I've read and re-read the OP and I'm lost as to wtf it is about. It seems to be yet another attempt by a theist to tell me what I don't believe and why I don't believe it.

    Unless your (imaginary) atheist friends number in the thousands, have been randomly selected and you have developed a robust data gathering tool that has been vetted by a screening committee of experts, I would suggest that your limited anecdotal and experiential dataset is pure bullshit.

    I thought I was an atheist because I'm angry at god (yeah, THAT makes sense). But I suppose now I'm an atheist because religion screwed everything up, so I guess I'm just angry at religion and I'm taking it out on god. WTSlave, I'm an atheist becase I spent decades meditating, thinking, studying, researching and questioning. At the end of that very long sojoun it was clear to me that based on the (lack) of evidence, there was no god. If she changes her mind and provides irrefutable evidence of her existence, I will believe.

    Emotion had nothing to do with my atheism.

    That, based on your very limited access to (imaginary) atheists, you would make definitive statements and assertions rather than posing a question or asking for atheist feedback strongly suggests that you are a delusional narcissist who wants the posters and lurkers on this site to think of you as a wise sage. Oh, and you love the sound of your own voice.

    Next time ask a question. Handling it in the manner you did reveals your true intention.

  • Caedes

    Well, that is three atheists who have stated that the OP is incorrect and zero atheists in support of the OP. So far the OP has 0% support in his assertions (Possibly plagiarised) regarding the beliefs of atheists. Perhaps the OP can get some of his imaginary atheist friends to post in support of his ludicrous statement.

  • Kalos
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Viviane, I like the cut of your jib, I really do.

  • cofty

    Very lazy Kalos

    If there is anything interesting in those links why don't you summarise the best points succintly in your own words?

  • Viviane

    All your objections are VERY EFFECTIVELY COUNTERED here:

    Kalos, from the first link is one of the most idiotic and ignorant things I have ever read, "The notion of God, put another way, is a threat to humanity’s desire to be free from burdensome moral constraint"

    What morals do you imagine I am ignoring? I do volunteer work with both the needy and rescue animals, I donate time and money. I have a normal job, I am not having sex outside of marriage, I don't do drugs, rarely drink, don't steal, have never murdered anyone, etc.

    Since you clearly feel that I, being an atheist, have no moral constraint, what specific moral sins do you imagine I am committing?

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