I've not a clue as to what you are asking me. Who supports my research? It isn't my research, and it is collected by various entities, some of which are supported by Xtians. I could be a smart ass and do my Dana Carvey impersonation that "SATAN" provides my data but I will refrain.
If you have objections with the data or the manner in which it was collected and evaluated, I suggest you present those objections. If you cannot I suggest you present equally valid empirical data which appears to counter. If you cannot I suggest you admit you are wrong. If you cannot I suggest you remain silent, exhibiting some of that Xtian humility I see in such rare display on this site.
Those are your only grown up options. To entrench yourself in emotions and make believe beliefs is not an appropriate response. I've shown you a tip of the iceberg of the data which completely refutes the dumbass theists' repetitive mantra statements on this site that atheists are baby killing whores. If you wish to rely on your god(s), by all means do so. But bringing your thoughts or views out in public on this site opens them up to the bright light of rational analysis.
If you or anyone like you doesn't like that I and those like me refer to you at times as dumbasses, then please, please stop acting like dumbasses. Starting OPs and responding to OPs is in and of itself a somewhat narcissistic endeavor. The more rational one's responses are, and the more those responses are supported by the very best data possible, the less narcissistic and egoistic they become. Just the facts, ma'am. It is what it is. Select the decade of choice.
When someone's opinion is all that is offered, especially when that opinion is stated as facts unsupported by data or when those opinions are based on nothing more than the first confirmationallly biased article they could find on the 'net, then it is narcissism at its very worst. And it deserves flames and condemnation. I suggest those feeling/perceiver/believers amongst us learn from the more rational. Frame an opinon as an opinion. Provide facts and data, emprirical if possible, to support definitive statements or Professor DJS will red-line your paper and return it to you. Or call you a dumbass. I mean the term in the most loving manner possible.
I'm trying to help you and I can; but you have to let me.