Steven Hassan was cut from Dateline

by DevonMcBride 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat
    Now, we learn that the airtime has been "sliced and diced" to 1/2 of what had been indicated, with Hassan deleted entirely.

    Is the episode going to be a 20 minute segment or the whole hour?

  • AngryXJW
    Is the episode going to be a 20 minute segment or the whole hour?

    SL casually "mentioned" in a post this morning that Dateline would be 30 minutes long.

    When I expressed disappointment that such was not the "promised" full hour, Hawkaw (aka Freddie Franz) stated that SL had never "promised" that the Program would be one hour, BUT that I had "assumed" such (just like I "assumed" that Armagedon was coming in 1975).

  • MikeMusto

    freddie franz lives??

  • sf

    Guest 77...last minute cut of the mind control aspect of this organization. What are you thinking?

    Billygoat, it is coupled with a car racing feature of some nature.


    Too many 'lambs'!

  • XLovesMeNotX

    I dont think I recall any half hour segments? 20 minutes maybe but half hour? Stone did say something about a follow up about crash testings to be shown on Tuesday as well, but usually if there are other stories afoot in a night, they are mentioned. I have not seen ANY other topics mentioned for that night.

    I will take what I can get at this point. Lets not psych ourselves out folks. The dateline story may be the cork in the dam. Once it pops...the follow ups and lambs coming out of the woodwork should make for further press. Especially if WE keep up the pressure for reform.

    When a JW asks me if I have nothing better to do than spend my days bashing religion, I reply "Actually, no, I don't. I'm a PIONEER, just like you." :)

  • Billygoat


    Great points! I don't think this segment will be the end all be all, but I do believe it could mark the "beginning of the end". Hahahaha! *sigh* I crack myself up! ((()))

    BTW - I love this:

    When a JW asks me if I have nothing better to do than spend my days bashing religion, I reply "Actually, no, I don't. I'm a PIONEER, just like you." :)
    Awesome! Haha!
  • hawkaw

    Well Mad Apostate,

    I think I actually said this:

    I know for a fact that Bill did not tell me it was going to air for 1 hour. He told me a long time ago nothing about 1 hour - just two segments - which is what happened.

    Never the less you may be right and if that is the case then all I have to say is you are damn lucky it is two whole segments and they are actually giving the segments a lot of promos on NBC. If I was running NBC - I wouldn't give you the time of day seeing there is only a supposed million of you JWs in a 284 million country. It took Bill and others to convince them to run with this story that has major lawsuit consequences for all parties.

    I was trying to make the point that I was told 2 segments. Maybe you were told something else and thus, that is why I added my 2nd paragraph.

    As for calling me "Fred" - Well that is your business.

    Take care Mad Apostate.


  • DazedAndConfused

    While reading this post a thought came to mind.

    Is it possible that this segment of the program was cut so they could have a jumping off point for a future show? What I mean is...first they focused on the Catholics, now the JW's. Is it possible that the "cult" issue will be a natural extension of this whole story line? Especially since we have had many "cults" and religions causing damage to the rank and file people from Jim Jones right down to the JW's.

    I don't think that I would automatically accuse any media of not doing what "we want them to do." Their job is to stretch things out as much as possible, without boring the people, for ratings.

    Just a thought.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I think we have to realize that most people really aren't interested in a small insignificant cult like the Jdubs... Also Dateline's legal advisers have reviewed the program and decided that certain things maybe a little to sensitive to air thus the editing.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • larc

    It may be a good thing that they cut the cult angle from the show. It might detract from the main message. Only one issue at a time is the way to go for a tv audience, I think.

    As far as it being only 30 minutes, it is still better than the 3 minute sound bites that many news items get. A whole lot can be said in 20-30 minutes, and I think the program will have a very significant impact on the public, and on a few witnesses as well.

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