Agreed. 3AM sounds like a modern day Pharisees, being obsessed with petty man-made laws while failing to see the bigger picture!
Anthony Morris The Third
by Yondaime 36 Replies latest jw experiences
AM3 said in his talk that elders need to be "man enough" to counsel brothers about improper dress. I wonder if it entered his mind to say elders you need to have "b_lls" to counsel the brothers but the holy spirit re-directed his tongue.
I found the "It's my big brother they've got to worry about" comments from the annual meeting strange .........
When you see people delivering a talk, gestures, expression etc., you get an impression of what sort of people they are. I feel Morris, Loesch and Herd are of the "Jaracz type", Jackson is of the "Sydlik type" and then Sanderson, Lett and Spline are more of the "neutral" type.
Morris tries to be the grandfather-type, but these comments of his are strange. Maybe they would have fitted well in a US 1950's sort of life.
"man enough"....
so it's all about testosterone fueled, billy big bollocks machismo now? Elders not just being assertive but bullying the congregation into submission?
Morris really is a c***.
My Dad (RIP) who was a PO (CoBE) had the saying that anything said from the platform becomes LAW. He meant this in a cautionary way and would tell brothers(tm) that too if they spouted stupidity from the platform(tm). Dad thought that the individual thoughts of some brothers(tm) were dangerous.
I think my Dad would have assassinated AM3!
My good gravy, Freddie Franz was looney the JWs have this power tripping despot at the helm. I pity the future of the R&F!!!
Kudos to your Dad Punkster.
I'm excited to see that the GB are so public these days.
There's no man on earth they will listen to because THEY are the GB!Long may their bizarre and offensive rantings continue.
"I told em I want to become a servant before I turn 23 so I could get laid. Lmfao"
Brilliant! How did they react?
I would like someone to provide a transcript or actual recording of the "gold" from his talk to the media!
I bet there would be a dozen shows or media review program's that would have a field day with this stuff!
Splosh - Thanks. He was in the British Marines in WW2 so wasn't a total drone.
SIAR -I would like someone to provide a transcript or actual recording of the "gold" from his talk to the media!
...and wouldn't it be great if someone could overlay some canned laughter on the audio when AM3 is making his aggressive points!!!