Perhaps we could all send some socks to AMIII this XMAS. Wouldn't that be funny to see the faces of the bethelites working the mail department as they opened package after package of inappropriate socks addressed to his majesty AMIII? Of course, rather than donating them to some organization for homeless people. they would just burn them. Just a thought.
Anthony Morris The Third
by Yondaime 36 Replies latest jw experiences
FTB, an some spanx for his wifey ... although Tony might enjoy wearing a pair himself!
Perhaps we could all send some socks to AMIII this XMAS.
Now THIS would be hilarious! Some of those really colourful stripey socks with the individual toes. Or some Santa socks. Oh Yeah!
Thanks for the 'Christmas gift' idea FadeToBlack! I've picked out my gift already. They are Tony the Tiger socks from the Kelloggs Frosted Flakes commercials. After all, Tony the third thinks that he is 'GREAT' and he's a 'frosted flake' too.
At least if we sent him some socks, he would know 'somebody' was paying attention.
The new apostate "secret ID" SOCKS. I can see it now. Two strangers meet at convention...and covertly flash...SOCKS.
While we're at it someone should send him a 'metrosexual suit'.