Are all of these commments on this thread the result of being the "thinkingest people on the planet?
US Zone visit: disappointing, depressing, discouraging
by sir82 38 Replies latest jw friends
Perhaps, if a married JW brother is not a MS or elder, there is now a "biblical" reason for divorce. His wife could be free to marry a guy who is MS/elder...:-)
Witness my fury, the decision to appoint has to be unanimous. So even if there are 10 elders & only 1 is against, you are screwed. I found that out when I pestered one of the elders about why I was being held back despite being qualified
Super JW's must have been really disappointed. It was an empty cup meeting again. No substance. Sammy spent his time scolding the bethel drones for being late and Tony (did you notice his mullet haircut?) spent his time spewing his opinion on tight pants, spanx, and colorful socks. To me, it was just another ho hum, your dumb waste of time. God where do they get this stuff from?
just sayong!
Sir82, I had the same thoughts as you about this video event but I could not have put it as eloquently, so thank you for posting your impressions. What a missed opportunity for these guys. If they could think of nothing meaningful to say (and the JWs were expecting that they would), at least they could have been encouraging. Instead, they came across as petty and demeaning. Why broadcast a spanking (or Spanxing?) of a few errant Bethelites to a million plus people? Even if their gripes against the Bethel family were legitimate, you deal with that kind of stuff one on one or within in the family. For the life of me I can't understand why these would be the major topics of a 3 hour meeting that was broadcast to over a million people who are not Bethelites. With all this technology that they're into, I thought maybe the Watchtower hierarchy had gotten a little more hip and sophisticated, but alas, not at all.
The JWs in our congregation ate it up, though.
It was to humiliate those in front of 100s of thousands of people, can't do that when it's a one on one or inhouse.
Take Care,
New exercise dress for sisters:
JW GoneBad
US Zone visit: disapointing, depressing, discouraging and you might add these words to discribe GB Anthong Morris' conduct...distainful and dispicable!!
I couldn't help but see a theme of belligerence and arrogance in the U.S. JW Branch visit and the $13.5 JW Child Abuse court case:
Hundreds of thousands witnessed as JW Governing Body member Anthony Morris came across very belligerent and arrogant in his talk entitled: 'Is Your Family A Spiritual Family?'
Compare the above to the following:
The court system and attorney Irwin Zalkin recently witnessed how the WT Legal Department came across very belligerent and arrogant in the way WT attorneys conducted themselves in a court case where WT was ordered to pay $13.5 for child molestation.
Conclusion: Belligerence and arrogance must run rampant among the Leadership and higher-ups of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society!
Is it any wonder that many if not most of the JW rank and file come across as a pompous bunch in their ministry!!!
Here is a depressing story for you relating to this zone visit:
I was just informed that one of my congregation members got really sick after Sunday's branch visit. Our assigned time was 3:00 p.m. The verdict was that she was assigned to clean our hall earlier that morning. To make matters worse she had NO breakfast! Low and behold, the poor woman drove WAY OUT to the assembly hall without consuming any food or water at all!!! You would think that our society would show hospitality and warm "Christian" love by providing water, juices and miniature snacks for the friends to eat. Think about the poor friends with diabetes. This makes since due to the fact that the meeting runs 3-4 hours long.
I guess some people are full of so much zeal, they began to neglect their basic needs catering to the organization. What makes it so sad is that she is uninsured and currently awaits a room at an overcrowded county hospital!