Is the WTS effectively 'pimping out' sisters?

by Simon 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    Don't worry, sisters don't need to be encouraged to look for mates that are MS or elders or Bethelites.

    Yeah, but the op is really asking if sisters are being pimped out in the sense that young brothers who want to have sex get married will feel pressured to become Ministerial Servants.

    Hell yes. While the talk point is aimed at sisters, it is really designed to make the brothers reach out.

  • TTATTelder

    Real message:

    **Reach Out - Get Booty**


    P.S. Don't reach out - we will convince the young pretty sisters that you are demonic.


  • OneEyedJoe

    Yeah, I think you guys nailed his intended message. That wasn't directed to women, it was directed to the young men.

    In the end, though, I don't think it'll help even a little bit with the retention of youth. It will lead to marriages based on status, which will invariably be unhappy. It will lead to the "spiritually weak" young men to be forced to hang out with "spiritually weak" young women and that's a combination for a JC to be sure. The rest, who will ignore AMIII's comments entirely, already have one foot out the door.

  • cultBgone

    Like there aren't enough crappy marriages in the bOrg now...........

  • JustVisting

    A kind of "flirty fishing" reminiscent of the 1970's Family Cult, baby.

  • JeffT

    This would sound good when you're in a meeting with an elder who wants to suggest your name for MS.

    "Brother T I've been very impressed with your spiritual growth and how hard you're reaching out. It's great to see a young man willing to do more."

    "Oh I don't care about that, I'm just trying to get laid."

  • blondie

    I heard sisters say they would not date anyone that was not an MS or an elder, in one case only a CO was good enough. If you consider that jws marry young and there are more women than men, there is hardly a brother that stays single past 21. Single Bethel brothers were good catches.

    Men find it hard to reach out when tied down to a marriage, supporting a family, wife and children. Most single brothers of any age were desperados.

  • AlphaMan

    **Reach Out - Get Booty**


    LOL....Elders will now be eye-balling JW men's crotch to bee if they are "reaching out".

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I agree with the O.P.

    But isn't this is what our entertainment industry is all about. The creation of superficial expectations on men and women that should in truth have no real value on how we judge a persons worth.

  • Simon

    A kind of "flirty fishing" reminiscent of the 1970's Family Cult, baby.

    That's exactly what it reminded me of - I just couldn't remember what it was called.

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