Is the WTS effectively 'pimping out' sisters?

by Simon 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Coercing the young and available women towards a group of stalwart loyalists is a common cult technique. This is an example on a smaller scale regarding what happens in the Mormon polygamist communities. A relatively small group of loyalist 'good ol boys' get all the wives, leaving the marginal or unconnected members as outcasts. They end up feeling forced out and are known as 'lost boys'. They end up homeless, on drugs, or even killing themselves. The intended effect is the same - both the polygamists and the JWs want you to carry water for the big boys in the hope of a reward.

  • designs

    The Wt. version of Boko Haram

  • Finkelstein

    Isn't this a form of 'pimping out' the sisters by limiting their attention to the people contributing to them?

    It is of course !

    Its a tell tale indication of just how corruptly manipulative the WTS heads are .

    Men if want to be attractive to females in the congregation, you should make an effort to become a MS ,

    this a true sign that your spiritually strong and loyal to the organization.

    For this personal endeavor you will become more attractive to single submissive females.

    In a way this a reward for your dedication to Jehovah, by his loving earthly arrangement.

  • Justnowout

    I saw it as absolutly pimping them out. It also serves the purpose of keeping sisters in line. How so? consider how few are ms or elders and how fewer still are single and then look at how many single women (a large army) there are.... Without men to fill there need for affection they will fill it with theocratic activity to make themselves attractive to to the few single appointed boys. When they dont get one they will only try harder... And through CD convince themselves that the desert god has become their husband. As Hassin points out, the more people sacrifice for a cult the deeper they become entrenched to validate the sacrifices.

    Its sick and twisted but that statement will haunt young women in this org for decades.

  • TTATTelder

    Somebody needs to tell these horny wannabe-MS's that JW born-in girls (because of years of guilt/fear indoctrination) have serious guilt issues when it comes to sex.

    It's fools gold.

    The GB guides the girl to a MS's bed. Ok... Seems good so far... The problem is the GB never leave the room!

    They will not be crawling in bed with just their new wife. All seven of the governing body members will be laying there too.


  • aintenoughwiskey

    What is this "New Light" going to do to sister homely, or brother sleep in on Sat. For every horney MS wannabe their are two just as horney slackers. I predict alot of double living large, or crying and wanking!

  • AlphaMan

    Maybe the GB's plan is to get MS's hooked up with hot JW sisters as a reward for reaching out, then institute "Prima Nocte" to reward the elders. LOL

  • LogCon

    Simon said '...It seems to cross a line to me but I guess it's not vastly different to "only marry another JW"...'

    I think it is 'vastly different'. When someone studies with a JW or grows up in JW.ORG, they understand and expect to marry only in JW.ORG. This is a teaching that strengthens over time and is unquestioned.


    for JW.ORG to suddenly, unexpectedly and with force [a special meeting] make such a statement that is uttered by a member of the GB, it comes as a hammer blow out of nowhere.

    When a fifty year old brother hears it, he is surprised. A twenty year old sister is stunned. A twenty-five year old is depressed. A thirty year old is angry.

    Just my opinion as I am a male over 60.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    This is going to backfire on them. Today we find mostly sisters marrying non-JWs. If sisters start being picky about not marring brothers who aren't ministerial servants, we'll start seeing more brothers marrying non-JWs. So the faithful sisters are going to have a harder time finding suitable JW husbands and more brothers are going to start marrying non-JWs.

  • BluesBrother

    If they really think that a young "sister" is going to marry a nerdy guy just because he is a M/S , then they just do not know women. If they think that marrying a M/S or elder is a pointer to marital happiness, they are sadly deluded.

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