Suggestion: Don't Accept Everyone's Opinion Here

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Everyone has an opinion on things. Oftentimes, we ask for help or want the view of the board in a matter. But just remember, the comments are simply personal views. They may be spot on or....not!

    Be careful when soliciting opinions and always consider the source.

  • MissFit

    Minimus: great advice.

    I think it is important to remember that most of us are strangers to another.

    We only know what the posters choose to tell us about themselves. And even that is just scratching the surface.

    People respond based on their biases and experiences and their perceptions based on what they think they know based on the info. you give them.

  • pronomono

    True, true.

    The beauty of this board are the personal views, though. We certainly have plenty from one end of the spectrum to the other.

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    It is that old saying: "Opinions are like @ssholes - everyone has one."

  • sir82

    I don't ageee with you.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    yeah you're right. there's a lot of straight up crazy people on here with bizarre conspiracy theories and others who straight up lie to grind whatever axe they gotta grind.

  • Simon

    The flip side is also true: we shouldn't necessarilly believe all the stories and motives that people claim when they are asking for those opinions either.

    I think most things average out though - there are always a few isolated voices in any crowd. Sometimes of course they may be right but overall I think the bad advice and opinions get's challenged when it needs to be. The challenges may be challenged as well and people can decide from the language and supporting commentary who is most reasonable, who has possible direct experience or mor eknowledge about an issue and so on.

    If people post things like "should I leave my wife" and expect the decision to be given to them then I think they are doing things wrong. What you want are opinions on a situation and discussion of factors involved in any issues, very often things that we may not have thought of or considered.

    That is the value in online discussion.

  • Phizzy

    Good advice Min !

    When I first found this place, I was just exiting the JW Scam, having found that pile of horse Poo was ALL lies, I was pleased to find so much truth and common sense here.

    But I was naive as to the ways of the world, and at first began to take everything here as though it was spot on, silly I know, having been burned by the W.T you would think I would be more cautious.

    I soon learned the truth of what you say, it is only people's opinions here, and also I found that some people here were, to be polite, sometimes economical with the truth.

    I was gratified to find though, that on real important stuff, people were in the main careful to cite sources and to offer proofs, very different from the JW stuff !, "evidently" LOL.

    I have learned in recent years to be a little cynical about some things offered on here as good ideas etc, but all in all, this is a great place, with a variety of people and opinions , where people feel free and comfortable.

    That has great value.

  • DesirousOfChange

    It is that old saying: "Opinions are like @ssholes - everyone has one."

    ............and most of them stink. (Opinions, that is.)


  • apostrate

    Lat night I read a post by someone giving his opinion on evolution. Apparently, while no longer a JW he still does not believe in evolution. Apparently, many others who are no longer JW's DO believe in evolution now. But the pro-evolutionists were just ripping this guy. I don't care what anyone believes regarding evolution and most other subjects, but do they have to resort to name calling, bullying, and intellectual intimidation?

    This wasn't the only post where I've seen this behavior displayed. Have we learned nothing from all the many years trapped inside the cult known as The Watchtower???

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