Suggestion: Don't Accept Everyone's Opinion Here

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Informed Opinion: A postion based upon an understanding of the neccissary facts and a careful consideration of the principles at hand. Relying on evidence instead of limited personal experience.

    Opionated: Conceitedly assertive and dogmatic in one's opinions. Relying on personal preceptions rather than facts.

    The two are not the same.

  • cofty

    Lat night I read a post by someone giving his opinion on evolution. Apparently, while no longer a JW he still does not believe in evolution.

    There is no such thing as opinions when it comes to statements about reality. It is important to be able to tell the difference between an opinion and an objective fact that we can go and check out for ourself.

    If we allow the style of the person sharing evidence to get in the way of acquiring knowledge that is our loss.

  • EdenOne

    Cofty: There is no such thing as opinions when it comes to statements about reality. It is important to be able to tell the difference between an opinion and an objective fact that we can go and check out for ourself.

    It's not always black & white, Cofty.

    Let's state a fact: It's 13ยบ Celsius out there.

    Me, being from Southern Europe and very spoilt with sunshine and warm weather, will say: It's cold out there. But someone from a scandinavian country will look at the same fact and say: It's quite nice out there. We will both be right - or: neither of us will be wrong - albeit we don't agree on our interpretation of the very same fact.

    So, even statements about reality are subject to interpretation and subjective opinion, even without contradicting factual reality itself. This diversity of opinions makes the world a warmer and interesting place, not a cold lab-like environment of cold hard data.


  • Viviane
  • steve2

    Well, you've cornered me: how could I decently disagree with the thread title?

  • cofty

    Eden - That is why I said it's important to know the difference between a fact and an opinion.

    It is 13 degrees outside is an example of a fact.

    Common ancestry and evolution another.

  • EdenOne

    Coftly, but the OP was about "opinions", especially regarding the business of "advice". No matter how much informed it may be, no interpretation of facts will ever be entirely objective, devoided of tidbits or chunks of speculation and theorization, personal experiences, and even personal/communal/professional conveniences. As Coded Logic noticed, an informed opinion is always preferable, and one is better when there are facts to back it up. But "advice" will always be on the realm of opinion, not on just data. We're not discussing science here.


  • Ucantnome

    i've been out in shirt sleeves when the temp hits freezing cause it feels so warm.

  • apostrate


    I'm not disagreeing with you, but regardless of this other persons opinion, I couldn't help but feeling kind of sorry for him. People weren't holding back with derogatory remarks, even if he did bring it upon himself. I suppose I'm just commenting about "tact".

  • LoveUniHateExams

    'Don't Accept Everyone's Opinion Here' - agreed.

    Your advice in the OP surely applies to highly qualified, highly experienced people outside JWN too - everybody's subject to human error.

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