Cofty: There is no such thing as opinions when it comes to statements about reality. It is important to be able to tell the difference between an opinion and an objective fact that we can go and check out for ourself.
It's not always black & white, Cofty.
Let's state a fact: It's 13ยบ Celsius out there.
Me, being from Southern Europe and very spoilt with sunshine and warm weather, will say: It's cold out there. But someone from a scandinavian country will look at the same fact and say: It's quite nice out there. We will both be right - or: neither of us will be wrong - albeit we don't agree on our interpretation of the very same fact.
So, even statements about reality are subject to interpretation and subjective opinion, even without contradicting factual reality itself. This diversity of opinions makes the world a warmer and interesting place, not a cold lab-like environment of cold hard data.