His unemployment has already run out!
My Parents have gone FULL CULT MODE! Having a job is SATANIC!
by BU2B 75 Replies latest jw friends
He looks for signs that the king of the north may be awakening. He is excited by US Russian tensions. Its sad to see.
breakfast of champions
I dont mean to sound mean, but they will reap what they have sown.
Doesn't sound mean at all. More like rational and realistic. Best of luck dealing with this.
Oh well that's was a rubbish suggestion then lol!
It is sad when you see people you love so sucked in by all the cult crap.
BU2B - "He was and is still the #1 person for scouring the news looking for ways the WT interpretation of Bible prophecy is coming true."
That's telling, in that it suggests that - on some level - his confidence may be wavering (which scares him).
How do I know? Because I used to do that, for that very reason.
My dad was an armchair WT historian, so naturally, I picked up on that and as a result, knew Fred Franz' End Times script backwards and forwards, and was therefore motivated to look for specific confirmation in current events.
But guess what? The more I learned how the real world's geopolitical landscape functioned, the more I found Fred Franz's End-Times script hard to swallow, particularly since there were so many specific events that had to take place in the prophetic sequence that seemed more and more impossible (particularly in the 21st Century, now).
Hell, I was one of the few who felt relieved in '95, because I knew deep down that the remaining 5 years left in the 20th Century simply wasn't enough time for all the things that were supposed to happen; the generation change, to me, bought the WTS some breathing room and another decade or two for world events to adjust in a manner that would allow WT eschatology to still play out the way it was supposed to (i.e. still somehow be "right").
Hey BU2B, is ironic how my dad (an elder) went to the social security office and just got his first check last month. Imagine someone telling him that he was going to reach 65 in this system of things 30 years ago. What I don't understand is how my parents continue to buy and sell land, own a business, a house, cattle, they got a loan to buy a car and yet he still looks at the middle east and thinks they will initiate the big A soon. Oh the double standards! On the other hand, my parents have money and are not willing to help me since I married a person who they did not approve