lol @ Simon! Haha, okay, true story. It was 1981, I was in my first year of marriage, in the burbs about 20 km outside the city. My ex-hubbie was a pothead, and hey, that was no big deal in the 70s and 80s. Just like the Breakfast Club, there were jocks, stoners, freaks, etc. He hung out with a variety of groups, and was well liked and hard working.
One of our friends was a big weed seller, and his father was the Big Cheese at the local RCMP detachment. The cops never bothered our friend "D", as his business was harmless. Once a year or so, though, they would drag him down to the detachment and hold him overnight for a medium to fair beating - just for being a rotten cop's kid.
A friend of my parents', an elder, called the RCMP one night about a prowler. This was in the country - they showed up 1/2 hour later, and the officer was so drunk he had to hold onto the car door to remain standing.
In the past 10 years, at least 2 officers in my city were found guilty of coercing prostitutes into giving them oral sex in lieu of being arrested.
A google search will reveal how cops in Canada treat the mentally ill, but here there was at least one case. The local police arrested a man who was (a) known to be a person dealing with schizophrenia (b) known to be non violent, even when having a psychotic break. This was in the news. They threw him, head first, into the paddy wagon, and he died of head injuries. Another man died in the local jail recently - he also was known to have MI and other physical problems, and left in his cell instead of being retained in the hospital. There was a big inquiry about that one.
So, no Boss Hogg. :P We Canadians can get a bit smug sometimes. Yes, we have gun control (hooray!), and not as much 'death-by-cop', but hey, neither you nor I live in Toronto (shudders), Vancouver or Montreal, where the big-time players are operating. And as for our police, meh.
Lots of stuff goes on ....
Edit: I realize the term "paddy wagon" is not PC, and my apologies to anyone of Irish heritage who takes objection to the term.