So the officer waits for backup, let's someone get away, and the populace and media then jump on him for not being more proactive in taking a violent criminal who just robbed a store off the streets. waiting for backup is not always an option when your duty is to protect the community.
This tragedy could have also been avoided by Michael complying with the officer rather than attemting to forcibly take his gun. Why do you hold officer Wilson accountable for doing what he is sworn to do, what he is paid to do, what he is expected to do because it had a bad outcome but you do not hold Michael Brown personally responsible for his own actions that led to hid death.
Getting shot hot for stealing cigars is disingenuous.
Getting shot for jaywalking is disingenuous.
Michael was was shot for attempting to take an officer's gun by force. Nothing the officer did justified Michael's actions and it was Michael's actions that led to him being shot.