Bill Clinton was replying as a lawyer. I thought it a great example of how "justice" works in the US. OJ's "not guilty" verdict is another good example.
It wasn't the justice system, it was poilitics - there is a huge difference. Funny that you bring up the obviously guilty black guy who got off as your other example of how the system is ... what? against black people?
For me this is not a race issue. Though I acknopwledge that it would never have gotten national (or international) attention had it not been white cop/black kid.
It is totally made into a race issue. If it was any other combination of races involved in any possible mix it would not be on the news.
It is an issue about law enforcement in the US and the lack of accountability. Cops can (and do) get away with "murder".
Calling a killing 'murder' doesn't make it murder. If he was killed lawfully then that is unfortunate but you are possibly ignoring the huge contribution he made to his own death.
Do you not find incredulous that the US has statistics on how much milk is consumed in schools (just one ridiculous example) or the average length of a duck's penis (true, a Grant from the National Science Foundation to Yale) but there are absolutely NO STATISTICS ON HOW OFTEN LAW ENFORCEMENT KILLS A SUSPECT?
Yeah, you'd think if they had people who claimed to be leaders for the black communities that they would push for this ... but I don't think they want concrete statistics because all the figures prove the opposite to what they claim. It seems that the number of black kids killed by white officers where there is some controversy / question about what happened is incredibly low.
For all the claims being made you'd expect there to be more compelling evidence that it happens. Strangely, when police wear body camera's the number of cops "caught and prosecuted" for their evil deads doesn't go up but the number of complains against them goes down. Is that because they suddenly don't commit crimes as much or because the "victims" can be proven to be making false complaints more easily? Maybe it's a little of both but I find it hard to believe that people want to believe there are cops who are so racist they want to murder kids in the street without being afraid of someone seeing them who suddenly change.
A good experiment would be to give a police force dummy cameras that they knew didn't record and see if that changed the incidents that people complained about. We've all seen an example recently of what was initially painted as a racist incident that had people in an uproar which was shown to be completely false when more evidence (including video and witnesses) came forward. What if they were not available? Would it have been chalked up as another incident to prove the complaints?
Officer Wilson, like most other law enforcement officers who get involved in something controversial, is being allowed to resign. Such officers simply move on to other jurisdictions with a "clean record". No one reports and tracks the allegations against a cop unless it is something that actually gets a criminal indictment. And if a cop isn't indicted on killing an unarmed suspect, what things do you think might bring an indictment?
"allowed to resign" as though he's lucky?! If it turns out he killed MB in self defense or for another other justifiable reason then that kid and the irrational race motivated reaction to it by the community has ruined his career and possibly his life. You think that is getting away with things? You think they drive round thinking "hey, let's find a black kid to shoot!". You have been watching far too many films and think it's still the 50's.
Most cops are decent and do a tough job helping people and maintaining law and order. When the community steps up to police themselves like they claim to want then maybe criticism would carry more weight but right now it seems they don't care about any amount of crime as long as it's black people committing it (even against other blacks) but as soon as a white cop is involved they turn on the police.
This all has to have a negative long term effect on neighbourhoods and gives rise to the "white flight" that is so often seen. While we can decry the situation it's hard to fault any of the individuals themselves who just want what is best for their own family.