if tomorrow dozens of jws learned of ttatt

by sowhatnow 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sowhatnow

    and they left the congregations, would you then feel open to be thier friends?

    many on here have the same complaint, that in the jw congregations, there were clickes, no one had time for each other,

    people judged, there was a lack of association, freindship , true concern and love were lacking.

    so, are we those people? are we the ones who ignored the others? are we to blame for not including others in out lives?

    I mean we were all there at one time, have we in fact changed since weve left? what are we doing different now?

    just pondering this since it seems even among the general public, there seems to be a problem with having a good social life.

    no one has time.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Dozens learn TTATT every day!

    If many in my area woke up and actually did something about it and I actually wanted to be their friends, sure. It would be SO much easier to do together! Plus it would shake up the local congs causing more to leave. Some will see it as a sign there's a problem, most will see it as "cleansing gods congregation"

  • worf


    I'm out of the loop on ttatt. What is ttatt? Just curious.



  • Oubliette

    TTATT = The Truth About "The Truth"

  • sowhatnow

    dozens every day where? in the US? in pa?

    its not like there is some secret handshake or scarf or tie color that ID'S us

    if we went to a meeting that is. oh by the way, ttatt is the truth about the truth . at least thats how im understanding it.

    I never was fortunate to have made any real freinds with anyone in all 7 congregations i attended in my life,

    and id have no way of knowing who left and when. Im 52 and feel totally alone on this.

    I have no clue how to find people like myself. i must be the only one in the whole area, lol

    but id be happy to know that i wasnt some freak leaving all that behind.

  • MissFit

    TTATT: short for The Truth About The Truth.

    I had to google it when I first started.

  • Simon

    It's one very good reason to not treat then like the enemy and use hateful language toward them. We are here for them when they need it.

    I also think fewer people now are as bought into it as days gone by. As they try and become more and more a lifestyle religion then it becomes easier to both join and leave.

  • sparrowdown

    I would love for everyone in my local cong to learn TTATT, leave and then all come round to mine for some champagne.

    I would welcome them with open arms. I'm going to get all teary just imagining it.

    Call me a dreamer but I'm not the only one.

  • MissFit

    I think so what has a point. Just because someone learns TTATT does not automatically make them a likeable or better person. Hopefully it will expand thier horizons but sometimes they trade one prison for another.

  • Vidiot

    Simon - "As they try and become more and more a lifestyle religion then it becomes easier to both join and leave."


    Quite the paradox, actually.

    Long-term survival in the Information Age requires mainstreaming, and being a "lifestyle" religion is definately a component of that, but the big problem of the WTS genuinely going mainstream is that doing so would be - among other things - a tacit admission that JWs are just another denomination among denominations...

    ...thus invalidating their claims of being God's exclusive Earthly organization...

    ...thus removing the only really significant incentive to stay affiliated with them.

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