Jan 15, 2015 - Why We Observe the Lord’s Evening Meal

by berrygerry 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Listener

    What emblems were used? Although noting

    that Jesus had used wine during the Lord’s Supper,

    for a time the Watch Tower recommended instead

    the juice of fresh grapes or cooked raisins,

    so as not to tempt those “weak in the flesh.” However,

    wine was provided for those who felt that

    “fermented wine was meant to be used.” The Bible

    Students later understood that unadulterated

    red wine is the proper symbol of Jesus’ blood.

    The above quote from the magazine is blaming the 'Watchtower' for it's incorrect understanding. It wasn't the fault of the faithful & discreet slave at all.

  • designs

    The Church of Christ still uses Grape juice.

  • sowhatnow

    well I dont know why jws are still observing it, they claim jesus came ,

    and he said do this until i come, so they shouldnt be doing it right?

    or maybe they should be doing an invisible memorial? lol

    its all to confusing to me

  • prologos

    may be the 'COMING' refers to his coming to open the abyss to let Satan out AFTER the end of the 1000 years, so it can be celebrated for 1100 years more, as it should be, because Jesus passed the wine and bread to people with an earthly hope.

    hope not, because the snakes never talked, even 6 000 years ago.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    These passages you cite are interesting. Chronologically, the earliest writing is at 1 Cor 11, from Paul, where he says that he received the information directly from the lips of Jesus. Paul did not get the idea from any human. He says so.

    The other passages were written after Paul's death, and they follow his words, almost verbatim. Where did they get these words? Neither Mark nor Luke was present and it is not possible that the Gospel according to Matthew was written by Jesus' disciple.

    The Gospel of John also records these sentiments, but this time Jesus is in the synagogue at Capernaum (John 6:50 ff). Many doubt that the passage and its context are words actually spoken by Jesus.


  • steve2

    Never before in the history of religious nutters have so many had to sit through so boring a lecture so that so few could sip so liitle wine and crackle their dentures on so vile a piece of bread - and had to wait so long for Him to return.

    Christianity - a two millenniuml-long waiting game. In any other setting, this eternal tarrying would be a perfect excuse for intoxication. Sad.

  • moomanchu

    With no bonafide standard why pick on a JW for their particular oddity about Communion.

    designs .... seriously!?!?

  • moomanchu

    Do Jews watch other Jews celebrate the Passover?

    Observe sure is confusing, well thanks to the watchtower it is.

    24“You must observe this

    event as a lasting regulation

    for you and your sons. 25 And

    when you come into the land

    that Jehovah will give you just

    as he has stated, you must keep

    this observance. 26 And when

    your sons ask you, ‘What does

    this observance mean to you?’

  • designs

    Moon- can you say with certainty what the wine and the bread become. Can you establish one meaning to the Communion excluding all others.

  • moomanchu

    Moon- can you say with certainty what the wine and the bread become.

    Why yes, I most certainly can, the wine becomes pee and the bread becomes poop.

    Can you establish one meaning to the Communion excluding all others.

    Geez whiz I can not, but the Watchtower can.

    You better go to the JW memorial and find out the one meaning.

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