Chris, You're going to spend eternity on just the first chapter, mate (grin). So I urge you to quickly move on to the next chapter, and humans - who are far more interesting than stars, thou8gh we are made form the elements of stars.
Now here's a conumdrum to puzzle your searching brain.
Did Adam have nipples? The answer to which question affects the human condition of Jesus, who is posited as the 'second Adam.'
We appreciate that those of us who are born of women, have nipples (albeit smaller, as I've noticed during various explorations with women) because for the first 5-6 weeks after conception, only the X chromosone is affecting our growth.*
But Adam, according to scripture, was a 'direct' creation of the Yahweh/Jesus as the word**, design team. So did they make him with nipples or did they produce him as a product of the Y chromosone only?
To assist you in your deliberations:
Of course, (I must be fairminded here and bring up alternative ideas to the above there are those who maintain that the Yahweh/Jesus design team produced Adam much as we look, except that he had within him all the female elements etc, (which were removed to form the woman, as symbolised by the rib) which of course, meant that he had female hormones coursing through this body, which in turn meant, that he had very nice fully rounded breasts with attractive nipples on top like a cherry on a pudding.***
Which of these two scenarios do you you think of as 'biblical truth?'
*So women first, men second, which is not how the author of Genesis saw it, but then, without modern science how could s/he know that?
** Proverbs 8:22, 30-31
*** the truth of that version, so its supporters argue, is preserved as a distant racial memory in the body's of some young men, who dissatified with normal male breasts, want the sort that Adam had, before he lost his female elements , and who take hormones to 'grow' the larger original Adamic breasts.
And, having met a young 'femme-boy' from Thailand at a party last saturday night, I can vouch that they can look better than the all-female sort. In fact, s/he nearly enticed me into bed, but I could see that his boyfriend was watching and not looking happy, so I decided discretion was the better part of valour and not to be centre of a domestic crisis.