I have nothing left in the tank, I need help

by Yondaime 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AnnOMaly

    I dont have the willpower to attend meetings anymore. I'm literally on the sound system list every week. I'm either reading on Sunday or Tuesday, praying on Tuesday nites, adjusting mics, passing mics, or working the sound system, or doing last minute parts for the service meeting. Not to mention service on Saturdays and Sundays.

    On top of that I'm in college. I'm really considering taking a break from meetings for a couple of months, but I'm scared the cult will weaponize my family against me.

    What do I do?!!!

    Learn to say 'No' more often.

    Take a week or two's 'meeting vacation' and when you return, scale down your 'privileges'/commitments. They'll keep dumping lots of stuff on you to do only as long as you allow them to. Explain to family and/or elders, if they ask, you will burn out if you don't ease up. More than likely they'll understand. If they don't, well, too bad. You do what you have to do. Good luck :-)


    Hey bro,

    There is a reason it's called "being used" in the congregation. My advice would be to play the ol' King David card. No, don't go gathering foreskins or bang your friends wife and then murder him, just pretend you are crazy. LOL!!

    Ok, not crazy, just wore down. Fake an illness. Make sure to mention that you don't feel good to everyone, especially the Eldubs. Cough a lot, slump your shoulders. Don't really shave. Then stay home for at least 3 meetings in a row. Go to the Doctor as well, make up some symptoms. Then tell everyone the Doc mentioned fstogie or whatever you want. The important thing is to NEVER come back to your previous point of activity.

    They expect MORE, just do less and less. Being "sick" especially having concerns of not getting the friends sick too, thereby limiting their worship, is a great excuse.


  • Divergent

    I agree with Data Dog, except for the physical illness part. It's better to fake depression

  • Patrick45

    Take a chatter session with an elder and tell him what you like and are willing to do and what your schedule does not allow anymore. Tell them that you are exhausted and that you need a little slowdown.

    He will most likely pressure you to drop the college. If there are unskilled workers who cant meet the ends or have to do shifts or overtime and therefore miss lots of theocratic activities or who have become inactive, name those and tell the elder that you dont want to end up this way. Better doing some sacrifices now for a limited time than for the rest of your working carreer.

    Use this or similar if applicable. Never use lies!

  • redvip2000

    Is your family paying for your college? Your room? Consider your mike work to be a true job, and you are using your family for tuition, room, & board for 4 years.

    Exactly!. This is the key point. What will happen if you walk out? If you have no dependencies on stopping, then stop. If your family is paying for everything and you think they would punish you, maybe be smart about it. Tell them you are exhausted and it's affecting your health and need to cut back on responsabilities until you finish school. Good chance they will understand

  • idiotnomore

    When I was doing sound, I hated it. I just wanted to show up at the meeting, sit down and then go home. I started doing less field service, turning in low numbers and in turn I was taken off sound. Nobody even told me about it or said anything. In one sense, I was pissed nobody tried to encourage me but relieved I could just sit through the meeting and be left alone.

  • Blackfalcon98

    As a fellow college student, and fader (after college)....I STRONGLY SUGGEST you take advantage of the personal counselling services at your University! Tell them everything that you are going through, many people here and all ex-JWs really do need a little extra help.

  • Blackfalcon98

    What I had meant to say earlier, was that many members of this forum have gotten some counseling to work through some of the issues and indoctrination brought on by the borg.

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