Prayer is the act of saying something to someone that doesn't exist. It is the ultimate act of stupidity.
However, it also plays a more sinister role in church and in society as a whole.
To pray is to perform an act which is associated with superstitious nonsense. To pray is totally illogical.
However, those who pray display subservient qualities to those who observe and have assumed power for it means that they are able to manipulate those who pray because they have shown that they can be manipulated.
We should all respect each other. That should be a given in our society. However, to pray and to bow down to something/someone is the ultimate act of denial of respect for ones self. Above all else, we need to respect ourselves for, if we don't, we are not capable of respecting others.
If you have ever flown on an aircraft and read the safety instructions, you will see that they advise that you should fit your own oxygen mask first in the event of an accident. Why? Because once you have fitted your own mask, you are now capable of helping others that need assistance. If you don't fit your own mask first, you aren't. Fitting one's own mask first isn't an act of selfishness, it's an act of intelligence.
First, respect yourself.
Secondly, respect others.
Thirdly, bow to no one for if they had any respect for you, they wouldn't ask you to bow.