Have you had the pleasure of hearing this doozy?? I believe it was presented at the circuit level first, it has filtered it's way down.
The poor Eldub opens with this definition of the word fantasize:
"to conceive fanciful or extravagant notions, ideas, suppositions, ect."
He further added that these fantasies stem from a psychological or emotional need. He used the example of fantasizing about having every need taken care for you, with zero responsibility. He said that's how babies live, in a fantasy world where people provide their every need. They even get their bottoms wiped. ( Head-bobbing and laughter ensued)
The point of 28 minutes of logical fallacies and rambling?? Pursue the facts presented by the WTBTS concerning the last days, and the kingdom. In closing, let me say this, " If you are a young person...." Or how about, " reports are heard...selling their homes..surely this is a fine way to spend..." You get the idea, and you can fill in the blanks.
Can you even imagine a group of people who live as deeply entrenched in a fantasy as Jdubs?!?! How many have lived thier whole life believing they would never get old, or have a career, or even die?? Cheating death by surviving the Big A, the ultimate fantasy!! 😢