I remember this.
It's like a slap in the face.
Thank you!
by DATA-DOG 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I remember this.
It's like a slap in the face.
Thank you!
TALESIN: That is the reason that a lot of people are JWS. You never have to decide your own ethics. Zero responsibiity and 100% self-righteous arrogance.
Add to that, ZERO EFFORT.
A JW can blame Satan for all of their failures (persecution and testing their faith) and they don't have to do anything for themselves to make their life better -- Jehovah will do that for them...........in the New World.
For now, they can be a loser and it isn't their fault.
That's it!
Yes, exactly, DOC.
Nothing is ever their responsibility. Nope, it's Satan the Debbil and his demunz!
Great Thread DD!
Yes, I have heard this talk several times, and it struck me the first time, that the material is SUBJECTIVE. It depends on the foundations being claimed...
IE, what is a "fantasy" for one, is a "reality" for another etc.
But yes, the very things that the outline condemns others for, is the very thing the rest of the talk then does!
It highlights witness so called "realities" while failing to establish any proof of such
The reason the talk so effectively "works" its cunning is precisely because the target audience occupies the very fantasy world that renders them suckers for superficial, poorly reasoned discourse. I warn you about savage dogs so you will least suspect me of being one. Clever and crass at the same time.
Heard that talk many times when I was in. They must keep recycling it.
me too.
I have often asked my wife why the org. so vehemently discourages 'higher education' except when they need professional help, engineers, lawyers, doctors, etc. LOL!
Double standard at it's best!
just saying!
Nothing is ever their responsibility. Nope, it's Satan the Debbil and his demunz!
Except when it comes to a Judicial Committee...a one-time mistake or an ainfraction against any one of WT's nauseatingingly long laundry list if "sins" requiring judicial action is the one time a JW is fully responsible for any personal action.
Not even the "It's Satan's fault" ploy can get a JW out of that one.