I was 24 when I was first appointed as an elder. I very much respected the old timers, the elders that were basically good guys, family men and who tried to be good examples, although they knew they were far from perfect. I haven't been to a meeting in about a decade and I wonder if the elders of today are that much different than those of yesteryear. What do you think?
Are Today's Elders The Same As The Elders of the Last Century?
by minimus 12 Replies latest jw friends
Barrold Bonds
well given how few men are reaching out to become an elder, the dudes from 10 years ago are still the bulk of the elder body today.
JW-Rutherford model is really a corporate structure of managers (local, city, circuit, district, branch, zone, etc) organizing the publisher sales force.
The Bible is just window dressing, usurping authority to keep the R&F in line. Idea of a GB is totally a manmade invention.
1st century Christianity is organized by Jesus, starting from Pentecost forward. Elders were spiritually skilled teachers with years of wisdom for shepherding, making orphans and widows a top priority, caring for their material necessities as well.
No comparison.
Different spirit.
QC - 1st century Christianity sounds like a fairytale compared to JW/GB cult.
Just a random sample of two Elders who called on me a while ago. One was appointed in the 1980's, the other in the years since I left, so is a very new Boy.
The old boy, who did nearly all the talking, listened to me, and tried to "reason" with me, and smiled nicely every time he lost the argument.
The young one was an idiot, did not listen to what I had said, and after I had shown that I did not believe the Bible to be the word of god, insisted on reading me a Scripture ! (A miss-applied one from the O.T ).
If you get 10 hours in 'serve-us', conduct a 'family worship' night, answer at the WT study, show up to clean the KH, don't smoke (in public), not a (public) drunk, you're qualified to be an elder. Welcome brother, now get your butt to work!
just saying!
I know one that I suspect of having secret doubts.
I can't see how they can be. My patrents were pulled into it in the 50's. My dad an Elder since years before I was born and throughout my childhood.
Back then JWs in general had a fire about them. The end was near. The message was simpler. People around us were at the big conventions in NYC in the 50's (including my parents and sisters). I think people actually listened and got excited back then. Some wore the boards they carried around. It was a different time in the world too.
Today's world, totally different. It's a much more complex world. We have news and information surrounding us all the time. The mysteries are gone from the earth. Society is different. We've grown up from the wonder and promise of the 50's and 60's into a sort of malaise.
And the JWs also reflect this. You don't see the fire. The end has been around the corner for decades. The justifications are getting more complicated. Things change. The end was supposed to come before the 1914 generation got old and died off. Now there's some overlapping teaching that I doubt anybody feels comfortable explaining to anybody they meet at the door. Changes to the annointed, changes to the Governing Body.
Those following it today don't have the fire. The elders I've met and discussed things with are idiots. The older ones still had some fire. The others are just repeating quotes. They can't think for themselves.
Pretty soon 2014 will have come and gone. We'll see what that does to the mental state. I know they don't wait on a date, but I know many are expecting something to happen before the year is over. If I were in, I'd think that 100 years would make sense. We'll see what happens to morale three months from now.
Those appointed in the 1970's and 80's are a different breed to those appointed in the 21st Century.
I was appointed in 1980 and I was trained old school. But young elders are inexperienced no matter who they are! I guess it really doesn't matter....the whole elder arrangement is flawed.