Officer Wilson not indicted in killing of Michael Brown

by Simon 551 Replies latest social current

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Missouri doesn't have the Stand your ground law

    True enough. Mo. calls their law Stand Your Ground law "The Castle Doctrine".

    Castle Doctrine

    Missouri is a castle doctrine state with a “stand-your-ground” law. The state enacted a castle law in 2007 that removed the duty to retreat for persons who are attacked within their home or vehicle. The new law justifies the use of deadly force when victims reasonably believe their lives to be in danger, and provides them immunity from civil and criminal action.

  • Simon

    Simon do you personally think Wilson had the right to kill Brown even though Wilson knew he was unarmed, irregardless of the possible assertion that Brown made another aggressive advance toward Wilson on the street ?

    Not 'irregardless'. The reason brown was shot and killed was because he continued his attack. If he has just surrendered or ran then he would likely still be allowed. You cannot separate the incidents or imply that people who say he was lawfully killed wanted him to be killed whatever he did or didn't do.

    He was killed because he attacked a police officer who'd just I'd him for a store robbery. Pretty dumb really!

    Maybe parents should have "that talk" with their kids: don't rob, don't attack the police, don't attack anyone.

  • Simon

    Was Wilson's shooting of Brown after the altercation at the police car an overt over reaction ?

    no, he was shot because he was a violent fellon. He attacked a cop after robbing a strore. Nothing to do with stand-your-ground law, just basic self-defense that every citizen in the US has the right to exercise or does the attackers race supercede any victims rights as some seem to want?

    How can a police officer defending himself be an over-reaction?! If he hadn't then it would have been another homicide statistic committed by a black man. A far higher and outrageous statistic than the "ooh, they're shooting our kids" crap that is being portrayed as the most important thing.

    The number of black people shot by the police is a symptom of problems in certain society - it is not the cause of those problems as some try to make out.

  • Simon

    “You motherf**kers think this is a joke” – “Burn this b*tch down”!

    The crowd was more than happy to oblige (video on youtube)

    The media shows it's bias in these situations. If that was a white guy saying something negative it would be on constant re-play. When it's a black guy it gets swept under the rug.

    There were reporters trying to make out that the trouble was from a small handful or people - it wasn't. Kudos to Don Lemon for calling another reporter out and saying it was way more than a handful.

    Trying to excuse, dismiss or justify the behavior in any way is wrong. This was not a peaceful protest. People inciting the crowd like that should be prosecuted.

  • AlphaMan

    Kudos to Don Lemon for calling another reporter out and saying it was way more than a handful.


    I have tremendous repect for Don Lemon. He is black and calls it like it is! He didn't play into the racism, entitlement, or pandered to the sympathizers.

  • minimus

    I'm watching the news conference with al sharpTon. This is a black and white issue.

    what I don't understand is this, instead of saying police officers need to have new regulations put upon themselves, why not educate the law breakers that if you do criminal activity, you will get into trouble. It's not the cops fault when criminals violate the law.

  • Finkelstein

    If he hadn't then it would have been another homicide statistic committed by a black man.

    ??? How was Brown going to lethally attack Wilson making him an statistic when he had nothing on his person to do such a thing.

    It also pays to note that Brown robbed the convenience store without a weapon, making the robbery a unarmed one by legality.

    There is no question that Brown needed to apprehended but was the action taken by Wilson appropriate profession authoritive control ?

    Lets use analogy of a protester getting caught throwing Molotov cocktails at building starting a fire, an openly obvious crime and one police officer shouts out to stop, the protester confronts the police officer who made the command but the protester inturn advances toward the officer with fists raised ready to punch or make some kind of physical contact with the officer.

    Does the police officer have the legal right to use lethel force to stop the aggression of the unarmed protester ?

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    Even citizens who are not law enforcement have the right to use deadly force in the USA to stop an attacker.

  • minimus

    Lets say the criminal wanted to throw the molotov cocktail at the officer. Would the officer have the right to shoot him before the little bomb was thrown at him??

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    There are incidents like this in Ferguson precisely because it is tolerated and in some cases downright encouraged by authority figures, mass media, and popular culture. It's like letting your child know that if they don't get what they want then they should just trash the home in the hopes of teaching you a lesson not to make the same mistake again. Cities are literally held hostage by this threat. The schools and municipal offices were even closed as if to say "we know you aren't going to like this and fully expect you to riot". What precedent does this create? That's an easy one. If you are black and get killed by someone who is not black, hold the entire justice system and cities hostage until you get whoever did it in jail for life. Let's face it, even if Wilson was charged it would have never been enough for this mob. Worst case scenario - manslaughter. A few years in custody at most. Would there be looting again at the perceived leniency of the sentence? Absolutely. I'm not even sure a lifetime sentence would have sufficed. We would have heard these tired old memes that at least Wilson is still alive, Brown is not.

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