Can a witness get in “trouble” for attending an inactive family member’s wedding? Just wondering because I am getting married this summer and my mom tried to blackmail me by saying she and other family members would attend but only if I returned to the meeting. I told her I am NOT going back to the meetings. I have been preparing myself mentally with the idea that my family won’t be attending but I really can’t see my mother missing the wedding…
Wedding question
by lostinthought 13 Replies latest jw friends
As long as the wedding isn't in a church, I don't think they could get in any trouble for attending.
I married without my parents attending and I was relieved to have the wedding the way we planned it. My mother would've only made things horrible with her always judging people and 'keeping up appearances'. I didn't miss her killing look one bit!
You can even attend a wedding in a church, just not participate in the event there is a religous service along with it.
When I married a non JW, my parents attended, but my brother and his wife declined due to "their committment to Jehovah". I think it must be a conscious matter. FYI - I was not married in a church.
BTW - my brother has since appologized for not attending.
When one of my nieces got married our son and his J-Dub bride didn't come to the church. However they both showed up for the "Free" supper and drinks at the hall after the church ceremony. Real funny when the speaker gets up at the mic. to say Grace before the meal. I thought the bitch was going to hide under the table. Usually her eyes start rolling in the back of her head and all you see is "white".
Strange......Very strange.
Usually a matter of conscience
I know of an Elder that was removed for attending his DFed sons wedding. I would guess if it was a religious ceremony in a church and you are baptized, you could be called on the mat. For a brother with privileges supporting (attending) the union of a baptized JW to an unbeliever, could also have his privileges called into question.
Are you marrying someone connected to jehovahs witnesses?
If your marrying a non-wittness, they could lose some privilidges. For supporting someone who is not marrying in the lord.
Depends on the elder body though.
Has nothing to do with you attending or not attending meetings. More to due if you are marrying in the lord or not.
I have been inactive for about a year and a half. My fiancee is not a witness. The wedding is not at a will be held at a historical site. A workmate of my will proabably be the officiant, she is not at all religious.