You pretty much have to be willing to discount your family if you quit going to meetings. You now are going to spend the rest of your life with all kinds of weird behaviour from them trying to decide if they can attend this event, that event, should be seen with you, shouldn't be seen with you, and whole big long list involving whacky thought processes, biblical reasons why or why not this, why or why not that, justifications for seeing you, justifications for not, etc. Get used to it. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just love someone for who they are without irrational fears that being in proximity to them will put you on the execution list at Armageddon?
Funny thing though - I've seen this time and time again - all you gotta do is churn out a few kids and then the parents will come skulking around because they want to babysit and expose the young ones to the truth. Suddenly it's okay to be around you and your family whether you were baptized or not, whether you married a believer or not, and totally regardless if you knocked up your wife before or after marriage, during an alcohol fueled orgy, or even if she was knocked up by someone else. Suddenly grandkids makes it all ok.
I don't understand the thought process involved where it's okay to shun you and treat you like dirt, but then it's okay for them to come around if there are grandkids. Surely there is a scripture or a watchtower somewhere that explains this thought process in a convoluted manner.
-sign me silent - I have spoken the truth