Lies in the Dateline Show

by TheMatrix 65 Replies latest social current

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$Truth in my eyes is what can be proven by concrete facts and evidence that can be verified whether it paints the WT in a positive or negative light.$$$

    Horsefeathers and skybalon.

    $$$Don't blame me because you've chained you mind to the Watchtower's fairytale prophecies and live only to hang upon every word uttered forth from you real masters in Brooklyn.$$$

    You dont even know non. These words are just more evidence of your anti jw bigotry.

    $$$I see you managed to resume the pidgin English again after posting in Queens English earlier.

    Now, what was that about lying again?$$$

    Non has not lied. Part of the beauty of language is that it can be manipulated to ones own ends without resort to lie. That what non do. Non not lie.



    what part of jehovah's law say's to shun those who refuse to remain silent in the face of injustuce that would be grave in jehovah's own court?

    I just can't seem to find that in the bible..

  • Valis
    Non has not lied. Part of the beauty of language is that it can be manipulated to ones own ends without resort to lie. That what non do. Non not lie.

    non non sequitor too! Today's word boys and girls is flummery!


    District Overbeer

  • freeman

    Hey Matrix, You forgot to address one important lie, the lie uttered by JR Brown. Remember he said, “We don’t discourage anyone from reporting child abuse to the authorities”. Remember that? And did you also next hear the recorded conversation with Watch Tower legal advising Bill Bowen in a child abuse case to “back off, leave it in Jehovah’s hands”. Remember that too Matrix, or has Cognitive Dissonance erased it from your memory?

    Poor little troll, be on your way.


  • outnfree

    Matrix wrote:
    The problem is with the states that do not require that the abuser should be turned in. But that’s the states’ problem, not the Witnessses. If you want the Witnesses to report these cases in all 50 states of the United States, then start a petition in those states to make it a law to report all cases of child abuse.

    I had the same thought as Athanasius above: it would be left to the wicked, worldly people to petition their legislators to enact laws to require CLERGY to report all cases of alleged child abuse! Witnesses who feel strongly that this would be a GOOD thing are not even allowed to have a political voice, and you know it, Matrix!!!

    Also, IT IS REQUIRED IN ALL 50 STATES FOR PARENTS TO REPORT ALLEGATIONS OF CHILD ABUSE. Do elders tell Witness parents this when they come to the elders? In a loving way, do the elders help the distressed parents know that they must OBEY CAESAR'S LAW in this as in all matters that do not go contrary to God's laws? Would the local shepherds accompany the parents to the police station as MORAL support?

    Jehovah’s Witnesses are guided by Jehovah and his law and that’s the end of it.

    Last I heard, Jehovah's law said that CAESAR MUST BE OBEYED. Is this not true? Of course, that's in cases where Caesar's law does not contramand God's law. Where, Matrix, is it exactly prohibited in God's law to turn in an alleged JW child molester for professional investigation? (Don't worry!!! The police won't stone the alleged abuser to death.)

    Please remember in your responses that many of us here were once witnesses.

    That's why Barb Anderson's telling little remark about "sealed envelopes" rang so authentically true. How many r&f publishers know about those envelopes being part of theocratic procedure? Not too many. There were many such theocratic clues throughout the Dateline NBC program which should have hinted broadly to JW listeners that they were getting the REAL truth.

    Please, please, please, Matrix, apply internal pressure to your organization to get the policies changed to protect the children.


  • out4good3
    Horsefeathers and skybalon

    What's this...more WT propaganda nonsense, or did I state something that you can't refute so you spout out a whimsical statement trying to minimize what was said. Been there done that bub. My JW wife tried that tact with me last night and I royally blew her out the water for it.

    You dont even know non. These words are just more evidence of your anti jw bigotry.
    You're right in one sense of that last statement, I do not know you. But those words speak more about not only what I, but what most every person on this board have been exposed to when dealing with JW's. Say anything that doesn't "tickle their ears" about the society and watch the character assination begin. It's almost automatic.

    You should be proud. Your Watchtower masters have trained you well!!!

  • Panda

    During my transitional years of leaving the WTBTS I went to college in China. In China pedophiles are executed.

  • 144thousand_and_one
    Non has not lied. Part of the beauty of language is that it can be manipulated to ones own ends without resort to lie. That what non do. Non not lie. --Non whatever


    Thanks for providing evidence (i.e., 2nd grade grammar) that your delusions of grandeur (i.e., representing yourself as an "intellectual academic") are just that, delusions. The sad reality is that you are nothing more than an idiot, dressing himself up as an intellectual. You've fooled no one here.

  • Imbue


    The WT encourages the use of threatening slander charges to silence victims on a regular basis. Perhaps you haven't known persons affected by this practice but I have. You need to wake up to reality your still living in LA LA land!

    The story on this link: is an example of how I witnesses the elders victimizing the victim. Although it wasn't sexual abuse. When the elders silence dubs for anything it's a shame. When someone lies I tend to believe them. When someone shows a pattern of abuse; I tend to believe they are abusers. The elders tend to show a pattern of abuse by victimizing the victim. So I believe the silentlambs.

    Outlaw brilliant rebuttal as usual! It takes a genius to call someone names. Your so informative...[8>]

    "The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
    (Ok! He borrowed it)

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$Horsefeathers and skybalon[/quote]

    What's this...more WT propaganda nonsense, or did I state something that you can't refute so you spout out a whimsical statement trying to minimize what was said. Been there done that bub. My JW wife tried that tact [sic] with me last night and I royally blew her out the water for it.$$$

    Horsefeathers is an English expression that you can find in any good dictionary. Skybalon is Greek for rubbish, mate. Read your bible or learn modern greek.

    $$$Thanks for providing evidence (i.e., 2nd grade grammar) that your delusions of grandeur (i.e., representing yourself as an "intellectual academic") are just that, delusions. The sad reality is that you are nothing more than an idiot, dressing himself up as an intellectual. You've fooled no one here.$$$

    Where did non represent himself as an "intellecutla academic"? You sure you aint got non confused with someone else? Non is smart. He did not say he academic or intellectual dough.

    Just think. Non is smart when it come to grammar. For dey say you got to know da rules in order to break them with style and substance.

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