I work for a Mental health unit with 2 Police officers we deal with people who have drug and mental health issues. At times over the last 10 years we have "taken down" some large drug affected men, mainly "ice" these days which is epidemic here, and let me tell you even with three of us it is a huge struggle. Sometimes back up is needed or Mace spray which is aweful stuff! Cant stand it. {Aussie cops dont have Tasers} You only have seconds to make decisions which can get you seriously hurt, or even killed. I have been injured dozens of times...have a shoulder injury from Monday. So do many officers I worked with. Thankfully guns have never been used. I know all the officers in my city and have respect for the difficult and unthankful job they have. NONE of the 30-40 Cops I have worked with are bad guys who want a fight. They just want to get home to their families at the end of the day. One of the guys I worked with has two hearing aids after getting punched in the head by a guy on L.S.D. He has dizzy spells. With all the talk about Michael Brown what the cop should have, could have done, let me tell you....YOU can't put yourself in that position. You don't know what it's like I do. When your blood is pumping and your life in danger it's almost like a sick nightmare. It's a huge "rush" and your very glad when it's over, a huge relief and lots of pats on the back. A lone officer against a larger drug affected man is in huge danger and every second counts. I love my job but it is stressful and takes a toll. Also many officers come down with Post trumatic Stress. I have nothing but respect for these guys. Thanks to all Police officers on duty to keep the streets safe.
A day in the life of a Cop...my story. The truth.
by Witness 007 32 Replies latest jw experiences
I have nothing but respect for these guys. Thanks to all Police officers on duty to keep the streets safe.
Hear, hear, I totally agree. The disgusting insults and comments being directed toward the police are despicable. The overwhelming majority are there to do good and have to deal with the dregs of society day in and day out. I'm sure it takes a heavy toll and I know I couldn't do it but appreciate those that do.
I think the majority of people support the police despite the large turnouts from certain sections of society who feel emboldened right now. Don't let the vocal few distract from the support of the many.
I appreciate your perspective, Witness 007, and feel the same way. I support law and order despite the occasional abusive officer. When I imagine what it's like to be a lone officer responding to a crime, and not knowing if I'm going to find someone with a weapon, someone hostile, etc., I wonder how anyone can do this job.
Sadly, when a gun is made available to a cop, they are naturally going to use it, because it would be foolish not to defend themselves from someone who may want to kill them. I would like to see a non-lethal gun (maybe just an improved taser) replace the sidearms that U.S. cops carry currently.
Apog, that sounds like a great solution except that sooooooo many people the cops come in contact with have guns already. The NRA has seen to it that the laws intended to support state and local militias back in colonial days have been twisted to support massive gun ownership in the US. Because, of course, the right to bear arms means that any local yokel should be allowed to have a semi-automatic weapon in his possession at all times.
breakfast of champions
I would like to see a non-lethal gun (maybe just an improved taser) replace the sidearms that U.S. cops carry currently.
I'm certainly not against this idea. I'm actually shocked something better hasn't been invented yet.
I have nothing but respect for these guys. Thanks to all Police officers on duty to keep the streets safe.
Yes, indeed.
They put their lives on the line every day.
Great thread!
I agree. And for those who are talking about lethal and non lethal. I was surprised a few years ago when the state fair had the police with one of their training videos and lazer guns. They let us try it out. But they are trained for if they have to shoot, it's shoot to kill, NOT shoot to wound.
Sadly, when a gun is made available to a cop, they are naturally going to use it, because it would be foolish not to defend themselves from someone who may want to kill them
Law enforcement officers carry Tasers, pepper spray and batons/tonfas.
To automatically conclude the first thing they use is their firearm is disrespectful to them, IMO.
If their only interest is in using deadly force with a firearm 100% of the time then they wouldn't be carrying the other equipment, would they?
Thank you for your service. The day you described and the situations you go for sound very tough. Hats off to you for doing the job you do, and making the world safer for the rest of us. Honestly, I think the yellow bellied liberals would pee in their tighty whities if they had to walk a mile in a policeman's (or woman's) shoes.
As far as the 'give a cop a gun' comment from above. Cops are supposed to have guns, becuase the bad guys have bigger guns. How foolish is that thinking to not give cops guns.