It is very easy to say train to shoot to wound. When an individual often in company comes at you things happen in micro seconds. To shoot to wound assumes the offender will then put down their weapon.. not necessarily. and assuming you are shooting to wound requires shooting to hit the limbs. Someone coming at you in a rage doesnt hold their limbs out nice and straight. They have to be stopped and quickly to protect your own life and that of your colleaguesd and anyone else around you that means shoot for main body mass.
I strongly suggest all readers here obtain and study the following books.
In no particular order:
"On Combat" by Lt Col Dave Grossman with Loren W. Christensen. Warrior Science publications
"Deadly Force Encounters" by Dr. Alexis Artwohl and Loren W. Christensen. Paladin Press, ISBN 13:978-0-87364-3.
"The Cost of Bravery" by Allan Sparkes. Penguin/Michael Joseph ISBN, 9781921901577.
"Crack in the Armor" by Jimmy Bremner with Connie Adair. Bremner. ISBN 978-0-9866957-0-4.
"Exit Wounds" by Major General John Cantwell with Greg Bearup. Melbourne University press.97890522861785 (pbk) and 9780522861792 (e-book).
If dear friends you know anyone in a uniform whether military or civil then there is three things here. One,you will be enlightened; Two and you will be able to lend them or better buy them a copy of any of the above. Three, TV and movies have a lot to answer for.
In addition the suited slick and made up tv presenters who condemn the law enforcement "sheep-dogs" are NEVER there when the SHTF.